Wednesday, July 31, 2019
 Cybercrim in Society Essay
Cybercrime With everything in society advancing rapidly, it should be of no surprise that technology is now used to commit crimes against other people. Those crimes include identity theft, stealing money, illegal gambling, and cyberstalking. This paper will review cybercrime and the differences there are from traditional crime and it will review the purpose of hackers. There will also be three cases reviewed to help bring light to what kind of cybercrimes are being committed around the world. Differences between Cybercrime and Traditional Crime For an individual to fully understand the difference between cybercrime and traditional crime, the individual needs to understand what cybercrime is. The definition of cybercrime is according to â€Å"Oxford Dictionaries†(2014), â€Å"crime conducted via the internet or some other computer network†(cybercrime). Cybercrime is committed by hackers with the goal of financial gain in min by stealing personal information(bank information, credit card information, etc) from individuals. Traditional Crime is a considered crimes against the public. There are many different categories for cybercrime but the main four include identity theft, illegal gambling, cyber terrorism, and cyber stalking. Both cybercrime and traditional crime are charged on a state law level; however, there are plenty of federal laws that can be violated through committing cybercrime. The main difference that needs to be known is that when cybercrimes are committed, the crimes are done so from the luxury of a hacker’s house or place of business while traditionally crimes are not. Another difference worth noting is that cybercrime criminals have the ability to commit these crimes from different states, even internationally at some levels. When cybercrimes are committed liken that, it makes it hard to prosecute as the laws may vary from place to place. That is usually when federal laws are reviewed for a prosecution to happen. Purposes of Hacking Hacking dates back to the 1950’s. This is long before the birth of the internet. Hacking began as a method or searching for shortcuts when encountering a computer issue. According to â€Å"Marriam Webster†(2014), A hacker is â€Å"a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage†(para. Hacker). Today hacking of often referred to a person wanting to cause havoc in a computer or many computer systems for a reason. Hacking has evolved over the years. In the beginning, hacking was often used to prank, cause mischief and curiosity. Hacking today has grown very large and has been categorized into the types of hacking. Although hackers use different methods of accessing unauthorized information, the most common reason for doing such things is for financial gain. Kevin Mitnick vs the USA Kevin Mitnick began hacking at an early age of 12. As this age he began making punch cards for the Los Angeles transit authority. Mitnick also joined a phone phreak gang which conducted many pranks. The group discovered a way to take over the telephone directory assistance and prank incoming callers. The group also changed the status of home phones to payphone status. A home telephone user would attempt to use the telephone but a recording would request the user to deposit twenty cents. The group accessed a San Francisco based company and destroyed files. More than a year later, this crime was unsolved. It was not until a member’s girlfriend went to the police. This led to the arrest of Kevin Mitnick, age 17, and other members of the group. Mitnicks streak of hacks has landed him in jail multiple times throughout his hacking spree. At the age of 16, Mitnick accessed a computer manufacturing company and sold their software. He went on the run for several years by accessing companies via computers to produce identity documents. He was not convicted of these crimes. He was eventually arrested for hacking into Nokia and Motorola and convicted. This arrest landed him in jail for four and-a-half years before being brought to trial. Upon his release in 2000, he was restricted from using any communications technology which was more advanced than a wired home phone. Mitnick contested this ban and won. He now owns Mitnick Security Consulting LLC. The RBS World Pay servers WorldPay is a Payment Card Industry that helps businesses in payments processing. WorldPay headquarters is based in Atlanta, Georgia and have expanded globally in London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Gateshead, Sweden, Singapore, Montreal and a few other countries. WorldPay payment processing service enabled businesses to accept payments from customers from different payment types such as, Visa, MasterCard, discover, American Express, debit and gift cards, checks, Electronic benefits Transfer, and direct debit. The WorldPay hacking was considered the most sophisticated attack so far in history. In November 2008, According to Baker, Associated Press (2012) hackers infiltrated the RBS WorldPay servers and accessed prepaid payroll card numbers, cracked their encrypted pin codes, raised the balances on the cards and distributed dozens of them to a team of people around the world. Within a matter of hours, the same group of hackers hit 2,100 ATM terminals in 280 cities around the world from the U.S. to Italy to Japan. FBI tracked down the hackers by narrowing down their suspects to one man who worked for the company and his name is Oleg Covelin. After he found a vulnerability in the computer network that RBS WorldPay uses, he passed the information to Sergei Tsurikov of Tallinn, Estoria who then distributed 44 counterfeit cards to a team of cashers around the world. The hackers tried to cover their tracks but the FBI traced the hackers by using Cyber forensics and also with the help of foreign authorities and international banks. Sergei Tsurikov, Viktor Pleshchuk of St. Petersburg, Russia, and Oleg, Covelin of Chisinau, Moldova and three others from Estonia were indicted in the case in 2009. Three of the main suspects were convicted in Estonia and the other suspects are awaiting sentence. In conclusion, although traditional crime is still around, cybercrime is slowly making its way into society and the advancement of technology is helping that happen. The only difference between the two types of crimes is the way they are committed. Hackers will not let anything stop them from achieving the ultimate goal of successfully hacking a system. With the cases listed and reviewed it is clearly stated that hacking and cybercrimes can be committed by anyone for any certain reason. No one can be sure that their information is completely safe but it is better to take precaution by not putting so much personal information on the web than it would be to not worry and end up the victim of cybercrime. Hackers continue to expand their knowledge on the systems to hack so that should push society to expand the security for the web. References Baker, M. (2010). Policeone. Retrieved from Busch, A. (n.d.). Why Do People Hack. Retrieved from â€Å"Hacker.† Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 3 May 2014. Meriwether, D. (1995). Takedown. Retrieved from Orphanides, K. (2011). Top 10 Most Spectacular Hacks. Retrieved from Oxford Dictionaries. (2014). Retrieved from
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Tragedy to Triumph
Julia Klein Mr. Tuz History Block 3 23 October 2012 Tragedy to Triumph There has been no greater, more unforgettable tragedy in America’s modern history than what took place on September 11, 2001. It was a horrifying day that ended 2,996 lives: 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers, but eventually created a new beginning of change for the better of the nation (The 9/11 Commission Report). A decade after the 9/11 attacks reshaped several facets of life in America. Life and travel in America has changed significantly over the past decade (Shanty).As an immediate response for our nation’s safety, there were some temporary changes made, while other changes have resulted in lasting transformations of our country (Villemez). A traumatizing day for many, 9/11 created a national burden of prejudice, brought about much needed changes of transforming our travel, and altered our government, which all eventually helped strengthen America. Obviously, not all of the changes that resulted fr om the September 11th tragedy were beneficial to the nation, especially the Anti-Islam Sentiment that was developed (Jamil).America’s 2. 6 million Muslims have constantly found themselves facing resentment and hostility during the years after 9/11 (9/11: ‘The Day the World Changed). Some Americans had responded to the September 11 terrorist attacks with extreme terror, as well as a growing intolerance against people who were, or simply just appeared to be from the Middle East. Immediately after the attacks, the government searched for suspects internationally, and numerous Muslims in the U. S. reported that they were the victims of hate crimes and harassment (Villemez).After the attacks, Islamic violence in America increased greatly. According to the FBI, 28 hate crimes in 2000 were found to be anti-Islamic, while that number rose rapidly to 481, and remains above 100 a decade later (The 9/11 Commission Report). There has also been a significant growth of religious divi sion and public distrust of Muslims in America (9/11: ‘The Day the World Changed). â€Å"The perception many Americans share today is that â€Å"terrorism†and â€Å"Islam†are synonymous. This is not true, because those terrorists are not true Muslims, and do not representIslam, any more than the KKK represented Christianity. Unfortunately, people's ignorance has led many to shape a negative attitude about Islam,†Basir Jamil shares his disappointed perspective on the hot topic of Anti-Islam Sentiment (Jamil). Jamil was born in America, but has a Pakistan background. Throughout his childhood, he has personally encountered racism and extremism that resulted from 9/11. He said he â€Å"endured snide comments, people calling me â€Å"terrorist,†and people generally hating me for no reason but my race and religion†(Jamil).Though it is accurate that concerns about extremism involving a tiny minority are justified, as a few of the terrorist plot s since 9/11 did involve Muslim citizens who purposely tried to harm the United States, it is also equally believed that the larger community of American Muslims has. Throughout the last decade, there has been a gravely unjust burden of prejudice and misunderstanding in America. Another immediate change, which occurred as a result of 9/11, was to take new measures of safety in our Nation’s security. Most of the security changes after the attacks took place in the airports (Villemez).A couple months after the attacks, Congress passed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. This created the Transportation Security Administration that secures all transportation systems and insures air travel safety (Johnstone). The TSA implemented new procedures, which included more rigid guidelines on screening. After 9/11 as new threats were being discovered, new procedures were being introduced including removing shoes and banning all liquids. Airplanes also underwent major changes incl uding fortified cockpit doors becoming more common, and less first-class cabin curtains being used by many airlines (Villemez).Pilots can now become a federal flight deck officer by applying, which gives them the right to carry a gun and serve as a federal officer. In order to compensate for the extra security costs, a â€Å"Sept. 11 fee†was added onto passengers' tickets. The TSA has collected nearly $15 billion over nine years (Shanty). Besides air travel, railways and mass transit systems now have checkpoint regulations that allow law enforcement to randomly search personal property and bags. Also random stops at major tunnels were greatly increased to include checkpoint searches at the discretion of law enforcement (Johnstone).The improvement of security in travels shows the tremendous impact of 9/11, but it also is clearly evident in the policies adopted by the U. S. government immediately after the tragedy (Villemez). Former President George W. Bush passed a considerab le amount of U. S. legislation to strengthen U. S. National Security (The 9/11 Commission Report). The Patriot Act may be the most obvious piece of legislation relating to Sept. 11. In the 2002, there were more than 130 pieces of 9/11-related legislation introduced in the 107th Congress, with 48 bills and resolutions signed into law.The Patriot Act made it easier for law enforcement agencies to search telephone, medical and financial records (Villemez). Along with the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, they included the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act. This required the State Department and Immigration to exchange visa and immigrant data with each other (Shanty). According to The Washington Post, there were 263 government organizations created following the attacks. Government agencies created after 9/11 included the Department of Homeland Security.The Homeland Security Act of 2002 combined over 200 government agencies including the TSA, Immigration and Cus toms Enforcement, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Guard, and the Secret Service (The 9/11 Commission Report). The government plays a very significant role in our nation, and played their role well by closing most of the holes of insecurity effectively. A decade is a lengthy time, but perhaps not quite long enough for a country to bounce back from the biggest terrorist attack on its soil. Security measures have been extended, but Americans are still feeling the impact of what happened on that early fall day.Though this incident caused a lasting legacy of terror in many, it also brought America closer as one nation (Villemez). â€Å"Instead of turning us against each other, tragedy has brought us together. (†¦) This country was built as a beacon of freedom and tolerance. That’s what's made us strong, now and forever,†Obama says as he realizes the affect of 9/11 on the country, and the importance of the nation moving forward as one nation and o ne people (The 9/11 Commission Report). Instead of pulling back from the world, our alliances have been strengthened while security at home has tremendously improved.America now has a renewed sense of pride and unity (9/11: ‘The Day the World Changed'). People have begun to realize just how precious every moment we have in life is and how fortunate we are to live in a country that gives us the freedom to live as we please. This day will never be forgotten, lives were lost, lessons were learned, and a stronger America has emerged. Works Consulted â€Å"9/11: ‘The Day the World Changed'. †Issue Focus. Sept. 11 2002: n. p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 20 Oct 2012. Jamil, Basir. â€Å"Growing up Muslim after 9/11. †Baltimore Sun. N. p. 12 Sept. 2010. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. Johnstone, R. William. â€Å"Not Safe Enough: Fixing Transportation Security. †Issues in Science and Technology Vol. XXIII No. 2. Winter 2007: 51-60. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 O ct 2012. Shanty, Frank. â€Å"Ten Years on Background. †American History. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. New York: Norton, 2004. Print. Villemez, Jason, and Dalia Mortada. â€Å"9/11 to Now: Ways We Have Changed. †PBS. PBS, 14 Sept. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
Communication competency Essay
1. As you study Henry’s problem, think about what you would advise Henry to do. I would advise Henry to assess the reasons why the supervisors are requesting transfers to other stores. Although Henry does offer his supervisors a pay incentive plan that provides financial rewards to employees who cut cost and increases sales, he does not take the time to communicate with his employees to find out if they have the tools that they need to perform their jobs effectively. Henry should meet with his supervisors once he discovers where he missed the mark. He will then be better prepared to improve his communication methods with his staff of supervisors. Once he makes this necessary change this could mean a world of difference in regaining the trust of his supervisors as this will display to them that he is listening and recognizes that there is in fact a problem and that he intends to right his wrong. 2. What does Henry need to know about communication competency? Henry needs a basic understanding of communication competency, at the minimum. This would be the least amount required for someone in his position. It would be preferable that a manager have an extensive amount of experience in communication competency, but at the minimum, Henry should be able to effectively communicate with his peers and subordinates, including the two managers. In this scenario, Henry has not taken any proactive stand at any time to actually communicate with the managers under his supervision. 3. Discuss the relationship between communication and motivation. There is a strong relationship between communication and motivation. In order for employees and managers to both become and stay motivated, communication is essential. When there is an active dialogue between managers and subordinates, it provides motivation because the employees/managers are aware of exactly what is expected of them, and the lines of communication are open. Employees that know that the lines of communication are open are more likely to make use of the communication process by discussing grievances and other issues with their supervisor. 4. Directly reference the theories of motivation you have learned about in this unit. The rewards theory is predominantly used in this scenario. Henry is using a pay incentive program to reward the supervisors for cutting expenses and/or for increasing sales. By doing so, he is rewarding based on the actions of the supervisors and their ability to accomplish the goals that lead to greater pay through the pay incentive program. According to the Rewards Theory, the actions of the supervisors will continue as long as they are receiving pay incentives which act as a reward for their actions. If Henry ends the pay incentive program, the supervisors will have less motivation to reduce expenses and increase sales, which will likely lead to a decrease in supervisor performance in these areas. The Social Information Process Theory is also predominant in this scenario. This theory is based upon the premise that people’s needs and attitudes are determined by the information available to them at any given time. This can be applied in regards to Henry and the supervisors, each from their own standpoint. Henry has a lack of information as to why the supervisors are requesting transfers. Although it can be reasonably assumed that they are requesting transfers due to a complete lack of communication from Henry, he is unaware of the specific reasons. The supervisors are not receiving information from Henry. His contact with his subordinates is very limited, or so it appears so based on the details of the case. This has created a condition where the lack of feedback and information given by Henry to the supervisors has created attitudes in the supervisors based on the lack of communication, which is a detrimental aspect of the relationship between Henry and the supervisors. 5. Relate the case to the following ten work-related items Be specific about the participants of the case and the work-related items. 1. Sensitivity to personal problems Henry is under the impression that because he is busy and works hard that his complete lack of communication skills should be acceptable. He believes that the managers should be thankful for how hard he works for them, and to benefit them by what he believes to be always considering their best interests. 2. Interesting work Henry believes that because he has given the supervisors a viable means to stay engaged in their work, that they should find the work interesting. This is not directly stated by Henry but is reflected in the intonation of his comments when he reacts to the news that the supervisors have asked for transfers. 3. Salary Henry has added to the pay structure by implementing a pay incentive program for the supervisors. Henry believes that ideally the program should provide enough of an incentive for the supervisors to work hard, and to accomplish the goals of increasing sales and/or decreasing expenses. The managers likely feel that the pay initiative is an added benefit, but still completely lack any real form of communication with Henry. 4. Job security It is apparent that the supervisors enjoy having job security, or they would have terminated their employment instead of requesting transfers. Henry likely has job security as well, but not enough information is given concerning Henry’s position to make an accurate determination or analysis of his position from a job security standpoint. 5. Loyalty of company to employees Although it is evident that Henry believes he is being loyal to the supervisors, there is a complete lack of communication, and the degree of loyalty that the two supervisors believe is taking place would be much less than Henry’s opinion. It also appears that Henry has loyalty to the employer, which is indicated by his comment about working hard for the benefit of the managers. The managers also show loyalty to the company, because they request a transfer and do not terminate their employment. 6. Tactful and constructive criticism Based on the information provided, Henry has not given the supervisors any constructive criticism. The pay incentive program does not constitute any form of tactful or constructive criticism because it is being used as a sole motivator with no feedback or communication. Because there is a lack of constructive criticism between Henry and the supervisors, Henry appears withdrawn and non-communicative with his subordinates. 7. Appreciation for work Henry is under the impression that the supervisors don’t appreciate how hard he works. The supervisors have no indication if they are appreciated, because Henry has been completely non-communicative. The main reason that the supervisors want to be transferred is so that they can receive constructive criticism and feedback regarding their work, which they can then use to increase their knowledge, skills, and abilities for their given positions. 8. A sense of belonging Because Henry has mostly isolated himself from the supervisors, there is likely a predominant feeling on behalf of the supervisors that they don’t belong. Henry has made no substantial effort to include the supervisors in any constructive manner. Henry feels he belongs to the company, which is indicated through his dedication and hard work, but he has isolated himself causing his subordinates to likely feel as if they don’t belong as a viable part of the company. 9. Good working conditions Henry has not advocated good working conditions by his behavior. If the working conditions were solid, the managers would have never requested a transfer to a different location. In order to improve the working conditions, Henry needs to completely restructure his communication methods. 10. Opportunities for advancement There is no indication that any employee, manager, or supervisor can advance from their current positions. Henry would be the main factor in communicating possibilities for advancement to his staff, and there has been a clear lack of communication. This also is hazardous to employee motivation and employee morale.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Women in Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Women in Politics - Essay Example The main reason behind the empowerment and awareness of women is the rate at which they are embracing education. Today women are holding senior government positions in many countries across the world especially in the developed world where gender issues are more flexible. Three out of the top ten most powerful women globally, according to the Forbes Magazine, are political leaders. The most powerful woman according to Forbes is the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. Leading the fifth biggest economy in the world, Merkel is the most powerful political figure in the European Union. This paper seeks to explain the participation of women in politics today, and the factors contributing to the situation. Hillary Clinton, the state secretary of the U.S, once said that true democracy could only be found if the world was willing to listen to the voice of women. This statement has been interpreted differently by different political analysts. While some have seen it as a wake-up call to the women to start taking part in a people’s democratic processes, others have interpreted it as a cry to the developing countries to encourage female participation in decision making (Zergaw, 2011). In the contemporary world, women are going to school and pursuing careers that were associated with men in the past. They are empowering themselves and establishing high ambitions. Educating the girl child has been the theme and goal of many campaigns especially in the developing nations. Such knowledge is intended to provide the girls and women with necessary professional and academic qualifications that can let them go into such fields as politics. Today, the there are eight female heads of state across the world. The most fascinating thing about the participation of women in politics is that most of the female heads of state are presidents in third world nations. The fact that such African countries as Malawi and Liberia have women presidents indicates how aggressive women have be come in seeking to manage their nations. Such women as Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, who is the Liberian president, and Joyce Banda, the popular head of state of Malawi are evidences of the revolution in the world of governance and politics. Third world nations have always been associated with male chauvinism and gender discrimination (Karin, 1999). However, with the current legislative reforms, women are gaining some bargaining power in socio-political dealings. Some of the most significant legislative reforms that have highly empowered women include the prohibition of gender violence and justice in inheritance of property. Unlike in the past century, most states now advocate for equal consideration in the distribution of family wealth. This has made women gain a wealth of knowledge in relation to their rights, privileges and responsibilities. The high rate, at which women are getting involved in politics, can be attributed to the awareness that the girl child has equal rights to educatio n as the boy child. In the past two decades, women got enlightened and went for such courses as law and political science. Typically, most influential women politicians are those that have taken legal courses and professions (Zergaw, 2011). Janet Reno is one of the most prominent women in the history of the United States. Having studied law at the university, Reno became the first female attorney general in the United States in the year 1993. She held the position for the second longest period in the history of the United States. This was after having been in the position for eight years. Reno had an enormous influence on all legal reforms in the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Super bowl commercials in the United States Essay
Super bowl commercials in the United States - Essay Example Though there are mixed emotions as to what should and should not be aired, ultimately it is a decision of freedom of speech while also remaining ethical and without offending a segment of the population due to race, gender, religion, or personal ethics. When considering these factors most major companies, including CBS, stand firmly behind free speech and freedom of the press but they are also relieved of the some of the pressure of censoring themselves with air time being so costly during specific times. Major companies want to shock, interest, and be creative but they also recognize the fine line between positive media influence and consumer gain and must consider the impact on their company financially should the commercial be viewed as offensive. There are several whose reputation and name brand have allowed them to carry off what a smaller and less known brand would not risk. Disagreeing with all censorship opens the door for those which are outright offensive to segments of the population such as in racial matters while building brand name strength in customer base. This serves some purpose but as a major company there is usually the continuing quest to build and increase one’s customer base, rather than further divide it. Many submitted were never allowed to air, including ones from major names such as PETA and Bud Light. While my position supports free speech 100% there several companies have outright censored any material containing matter of a specific nature without discussion or review. While in the past artists have been asked to perform during the super bowl there has been an instance of outright censorship of vocals which were censored specifically for the super bowl performance in 2006 by the Rolling Stones.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Writing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing assignment - Essay Example The interviewer was inquiring as to the trouble of instituting democracy in the Middle East and in so doing referred to a traditional concept that the individuals there are simply not capable of democratic order. In refuting this notion, Michael Scheuer remarks that the issue is not a sort of innate resistance to democracy, but instead the long ingrained combination of church and state in the region that makes instituting democracy a highly challenging process. Scheuer indicates that when the West points to its own prosperous ways and the democractic political process that they were brought about through, the Middle Eastern people still believe that this form of government is man-made and has turned its back on God. Scheuer goes as far as to argue that the least exportable thing the United States has is its democracy. The remark underlines one of the critical areas of difference between the United States and Middle Eastern states. Namely this difference is a core value system, with t he West pursuing a socially constructed sense of profit and equity, and the Middle Eastern clinging to an ancient religious order. Within this spectrum of thought, one begins to question the sociological elements that have led to the Middle East retaining their religious affiliations, while the United States has adopted a more profit-centered existence.
Friday, July 26, 2019
What Changes and what Stays the Same in America Taking a look at epic Essay
What Changes and what Stays the Same in America Taking a look at epic western films - Essay Example By this I mean to say that American society has undergone a vast amount of change since times immemorial and comparing one time period to another, especially through films set in that time, can help to give us a proper picture of the social status that different kinds of people had, and also help us understand their roles in society with respect to politics; the acceptance of their historical background, as well as their personal gender and identity and how they perceive the same. In this paper, we will be focusing on the Native American Indians and their diminishing face in contemporary American society. The objective of this paper is to understand the changes that American society has undergone over the last couple of decades by taking a look at epic western films and answering questions that are crucial to the existence of society such as the topics of politics, race, gender and sexuality, as well as the historical identity of Native Americans. The idea of race is a very harping issue, especially in the western society in the western world – the western genre of films, movies like Brokeback Mountain and Dances with Wolves for example, do not talk about the inclusion people belonging to different races. These films only address the â€Å"fantasies of the master race: the white hero's Indianness evokes the figure and fantasy not of the human and humane Indian but of the American Adam†(Pratts, Armando Jose) this statement merely encompasses the fact that most western American films only focus on the light skinned Americans, forgetting that there could be westerners belonging to a different racial background. This leads to a sort of lack of diversity among the community and also gives a very unclear picture to the rest of the world regarding the kind of people that live in west native Indian community. The idea of class on the other hand is portrayed wonderfully. In the film Dances With Wolves too, the hero is portrayed as a white Indian and thus gives the audience an image of the ‘perfect American’ hero rather than what the actual situation in the western Indian community is like. (Horner, Joy) Renowned Native American author Sherman Alexie makes an attempt to ans wer questions regarding Native Americans and race as is not easily portrayed in contemporary film and music today. He talks about the Buffalo Soldiers, or the all African-American regiment that fought during the American Civil war – also hailing from a western American Indian society. Such communities are given little or no representation at all today in art despite being a part of the community and that is the fundamental issue in the portrayal of western society and how it is incorrect for the rest of the world that looks at a cowboy as a young white man, with a southern accent. In Dances With Wolves, the idea of race is portrayed excellently as Colonel Dunbar manages to adapt himself to the life of a Buffalo Soldier, and even fall in love with one of their kin – thus the name ‘Dances With Wolves’ as he manages to adopt the lifestyle of a black western man. Next, we touch upon the aspect of gender and sexuality as seen in the two films and understood in terms of western society. Sexuality is a very daunting issue world over today; it is very difficult for people to understand the social construct of gender as opposed to sexuality because of the fact that they have been created by society. The director talks about â€Å"a story that had never been told before, of two aging men who bear up under their drab, empty, unbearably lonely lives as long as they can just escape a time or two a year to Brokeback Mountain, where, as teenaged boys herding sheep, they
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Literature Review for Research Proposal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Literature Review for Proposal - Research Paper Example The researcher attempts to carry out this research thoroughly, to examine as many dimensions of this methodology as feasible and necessary. For this purpose, the literature review will cover all the aspects of CALL stated above. Finally, the review will examine the different contexts where the researcher could carry out the necessary research in the most beneficial way. This brief review aims to discuss the existence of CALL and the development that it has undergone in the field of language learning, as well as the teaching. It will not describe the basic features of CALL again, since the introduction of this research proposal has already shed some light on that. According to research, CALL used to focus on disciplines like artificial intelligence, computer science, and psychology. Currently, however, researchers have observed its development in the area of language teaching and learning. CALL first became popular in the field of language learning when it was a major tool in Computer -Assisted Instruction (CAI), which is when computers are used as instructional tools to fulfill the requirements of the student group (Ruffin, 2000). There is a one-line definition of CALL states earlier in the proposal. However, other experts still argue over the different interpretations of this term and this debate is especially relevant to the role of CALL in the field of language learning and teaching. There are several other terms for CALL as well, for example ‘Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL), Computer-Enhanced Language Learning (CELL), Web Enhanced Learning Language (WELL), Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning (ICALL), and Computer-Medicated Communication (CMC)’ (Johnson, 2008). Apart from the debate, which exists on the actual term itself, there is also another debate related to the history of CALL, about its origins and development. One side of the debate believes that CALL has been in existence since the 1940s, after World War II (Johnson, 2008). O thers, however, believe that the Americans made the first use of CALL or CAI, in the 1950s. Furthermore, Chapelle suggests that the use of this methodology in language learning and teaching did not begin until the 1960s. Even then, he specifies that they did not use it commonly in the face of necessity. Instead, it was only as a luxury, which was not part of ordinary classrooms, but used for a specific learning group. In addition, some experts also add, perhaps as a way of explanation for this, that there were a very few teachers present until the 1970s who were computer literate, only they were able to fully implement the use of CALL in their classrooms (Ruffin, 2000). Research shows that the Americans first implemented CALL in Stanford University’s Mathematical Institute (Swarbrick, 2002). Experts (Swarbrick, 2002) recognized it very early for its efficiency and benefits, and realized the importance of its development and emergence. However, due to its requirement of expens ive technological equipment, it was not used in classrooms until a lot later. For instance, ‘EVDAC’ (Swarbrick, 2002), the first computer in the 1960s has the price of over half a million dollars. In the 1980s, this price had gone down, but not by much, as the Model 30
Crime prevention and Crime Rates Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Crime prevention and Crime Rates - Coursework Example I used the data that was easily available on both factors. The data I chose was for the period between 2003 and 2014. I pursued annual data for analysis as it was easy and provided a broader view to the situation. After the data was gathered, I used to visualize it. In anticipation, I removed the extra data available on the excel sheets of governmental records and omitted unnecessary details that was available. I chose to make two different bar charts using the options available at the website. After the data was gathered, I used to visualize it. In anticipation, I removed the extra data available on the excel sheets of governmental records and omitted unnecessary details that was available. I chose to make two different bar charts using the options available at the website. After the completion of the visualization process, I took screenshots and used them for investigation and critical analysis. I believe that Daily Express will be a suitable publication for this news to enlighten UK population on the relationship between Police workforce and the recorded crime rates.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Critical Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Critical Journal - Essay Example The following thesis describes the connection between art and fashion and their interrelatedness which gels them into one art form. The quote â€Å"Arts need for fashion’s glamour and wealth and fashion search for intellectual credibility†reflects and emphasizes the points that have been discussed in the following paragraphs. True fashion is giving a new outlook to a person or thing which changes their appearance and makes them beautiful without attaching any knowledge or feelings with the work. Famous celebrities such as Beyounce, Rihanna and the all girl-band, Pussycat dolls lack a true knowledge or passion for good fashion and designs and are keener to attach themselves with a label. They only seek glamour and fame for which they would even go to the extent of selling their soul. However, artists who believe in their work and have a passion would be more careful while portraying themselves or their work. The story and reason behind their work would be more vivid rat her than merely showcasing their work for the sake of fame or money. [I HAVE PUT IMAGES HERE OF BEYONCE, RIHANNA, AND THE PCD LADIES] People consider artists as being smart, intelligent and trustworthy and who are not guilty of showcasing their own identity and emotions through their work. At times the influence of their family and their upbringing is also reflected in their work. The below picture is the portrait of Armada portrait of Elizabeth I by George Gower in the year 1588. He specialized in portrait painting and became the sergeant painter of Queen Elizabeth I in the year 1581. [HERE I HAVE A PHOTO OF QUEEN ELIZABETH 1 AND GEORGE GOWER] However, the above statement need not apply to all those who want to be part of the world of fashion and art. But the below discussion about the Mexican born painter, Frida Kahlo who was born on the 6th of July 2907, is a defense against the statement as the vibrant colors used in her work is largely influenced by the culture of Mexico and Eu rope and was also based on realism, symbolism and surrealism. Most of her work was on self portraits and they wonderfully showcased the articulate detailing which Kahlo painfully undertook. Kahlo’s father was Guillermo Kahlo who was born on 26th October 1871, in Germany and he passed away on the 14th of April in the year 1941. He was a photographer by profession who went to Mexico where, in the year 1901, he set up a photographic studio and worked for El Mundo Ilustrado and Semanario Ilustrado. He was later commissioned by the government to do architectural work. Kahlo’s mother, Matilde Calderny Gonzalez, was a devoted Catholic and of primarily indigenous as well as Spanish descent. This is enough proof for the statement made in the beginning as though Kahlo did not hail from an art background as many people would have expected, instead his family did have any idea or experience about portrait painting in which he later specialized. Many of Kahlo’s paintings hav e been inspired from her own life experiences and her most heart wrenching painting was the one that depicts the story about her accident which later changed her life. [HERE I HAVE AN IMAGE OF FRIDA KAHLO] This painting, which was done in the year 1944, depicts a naked woman who is seen standing in a hill field shielding
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Select a firm that is listed in the UK and a competitor that is listed Essay
Select a firm that is listed in the UK and a competitor that is listed elsewhere in the world. Using financial information from THOMSON ANALYTICS - Essay Example Many drugs fail to pass the various drugs administration tests issued by respective government agencies, this leads to heavy research and development costs to be levied on products that could never be seen in the markets. (Bleavins et al., 2010, p.35) Drug testing is a very time consuming as well as expensive process. This is usually disastrous for a company’s results as the R&D investment may not generate any returns in the near future, making it difficult to judge the true position of a financial statement. (Bleavins et al., 2010, p.35) It is because of such reasons why analyzing the results of a pharmaceutical company is considered to be an extensive and taxing task. Furthermore, short-term financial statement analysis may be rendered ineffective because of these reasons, as the numbers will never consider ‘what if’ scenarios (such as what if R&D costs do not provide any return in the future? or provide exceptional returns?) Perhaps the industry with the highest innovation rates, the pharmaceutical industry is an essential element of the financial system. According to Fortune Magazine, 12 pharmaceutical companies have made it in the Fortune 500 list in 2009, amongst these 6 companies were from the US, and 2 companies were from UK; the rest were also from other European regions. (Fortune, 2009, p.27) GlaxoSmithKline (hereafter referred to as GSK) and Pfizer have been close competitors for a long time, although their major focus in terms of type of drug differs substantially, these two companies still compete for top spot within many drug categories. Nevertheless, both these companies are very accomplished: Pfizer is more often in the news as compared to any of its counterparts, mostly it generates media for all the wrong reasons, but it gets lots of free publicity nonetheless. Most recently the company was surrounded in a controversy involving bribing doctors to recommend Pfizer’s
Monday, July 22, 2019
International Management Essay Example for Free
International Management Essay Relationships developed by New-Zealand and Australia to other countries, differ from the rest of the Asian countries. Other Asian countries like Indonesia prefer to build long term relationships that will make more profit for a long time rather then have quick short term money. Another difference is that, most of the Asian countries feel as if the westerns don’t really care about their culture and beliefs, which is somewhat true. We only tend to care about what revolving around America. And this really affects how they look at us. 2- There are so many reasons as to why Indonesian archipelago is unique in Asia. There are 17,000 islands all together in Indonesia. Each island has its own unique features that differ it from another. Some of the island are very rich , meaning, they produce iol, gas etc. While some islands are very dry and dormant. Climate is also different between these islands. Some islands experience heavy rainfall while other islands are experiencing drought. 3- There are many characteristics that the Indonesian workplaces are referred to here. I think that the article is only concentrating on the minimum wage jobs, the type of jobs that do not really need education to do. The article also emphasizes on how businesses have failed and are still failing up to now in Indonesia. The business opportunities that were written in the article are the type of jobs that needs an outsourcing employee, which are of course cheaper. Further on, Indonesian workplaces also experience problems when it comes to foreign management vs locals. 4- The Republic of Indonesia, the worlds fourth most populous nation, has 203 million people living on over one thousand permanently settled islands. I personally think that for a place which has a large population number to be socially stratified like Indonesia isn’t very rare. Simply because people are the same. Some tend to be more intelligent than other some more ambitious. Others are just lazy but others also work hard. Those who possess good character will move to a place that has people with the same characteristics as theirs. They will settle there and produce offspring with the same characteristics as theirs. Those who posses bad characteristics, i. e drug addicts, dumb etc will move to lower stratification. Hence, I think this is why Indonesia seems to socially stratified. 5- Many countries have realized that Indonesia is a good country to do business in and /or being a business partner. Businesses around the world also enjoy the vast markets of goods in Indonesia. There are a lot of business opportunities in Indonesia, For example; agribusiness, automotive industries, construction and infrastructure and many more. One has to keep in mind that even though New Zealand and Australia are in the same Asian sphere with Indonesia, they have very different cultures and the way they do business. Therefore, New Zealanders and Australians have to explore the culture difference and learn how indonesians do things in order for them to be business partners.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The History of the Welfare State
The History of the Welfare State In 1942 William Beveridge published his report on Social Insurance and Allied Services. The report instantly became a best seller of all time. The report was based on eliminating poverty and it has subsequently come to be considered as the blueprint of the welfare state. The Beveridge Report was identified as the core of wartime social transformation. It became very significant at a time when unemployment was at an ultimate high, the report was seen by many people the light at the end of the tunnel of war, and as a promise of social justice for the post war world. (Gladstone, 1999. p39) Beveridge was asked to write a detailed report on how to improve the existing national schemes of social insurance and allied services. The report was built on defeating Want. But Want was only one of the five giants on the road to reconstruction. The others were Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. His recommendations of the system on social insurance were to rectify the poor conditions of post- war Britain and it was an attack solely upon Want which would remove poverty. This essay will look at what are the main features of The Beveridge Report and why they were significant. It will also examine whether the report realistically attempted to tackle all the so-called five giants which is mentioned in the report. The main feature of the report was based on a scheme of social insurance- that is, a system of insurance in which risks are pooled within the community, so that individuals are able to pay flat-rate contributions sand receive flat-rate benefits regardless of the extent to which they are liable to be in need of those benefits. (Hill, 1990, p28) The plan for social security was to eradicate want but in order for this to be achieved there must be co-operation between the state and the individual. Bevereidge said that the state should offer security for service and contribution; by this the state should consider the need for a national minimum, which should provide individuals with the minimum for himself and his family to live on. However, he stated that this minimum should be given as of right and not means tested, so that individuals can build upon it freely. (Timmins, 2001, p23) Taking social insurance as the base of the report, Beveridge boldly made three assumptions which were to m ake it work; a universal scheme of family allowances, a comprehensive national health service, which was financed by taxation and the maintenance of employment. The first two assumptions were part of the insurance scheme of social security, and was the most expensive prerequisites. The third assumption worked two ways; it maximized the number of contributors and minimized the number of people claiming benefits. Beveridges main investigation into social security was to reform all social services and provide a minimum of subsistence and care for the whole population. He believed that to eradicate poverty a reform of national insurance was vital and this can be achieved by provision of benefits and services. His proposal for social insurance and minimum subsistence was supplemented by private and voluntary means. (Thane, 1996, p232) The universal scheme was split into six groups and it was designed to cover people in actual or potential need. He defined these groups as: employees, self-employed, housewifes, those below and above working age, the sick and disable and others of working age fit to work. (Lowe, 2005, p141) Housewives were particularly a difficult group to cover, and this will be discussed further later. The people who fall into these groups should receive the following benefits: unemployment and sickness benefits, disability benefit which also covered injuries at work, maternity g rants and widow benefits, funeral benefits, family allowances and retirement pensions. However, even though this system of social insurance (which was later changed to national insurance) was there to provide subsistence-levels of adequate benefits, Beveridge knew there might be other circumstances where it would not be enough, and he therefore recommended another system of social assistance.(which was also later changed to national assistance) This scheme would work through means test to provide for people whose needs were not met by national insurance. People who qualify for national assistance, for example are disabled people, deserted or separated wives and men who refused to take on work when it is offered to them. The need for assistance could arise for reasons of sickness which meant they were not able to work and get into the labour market. This could be because a person has abnormal needs of diet or care. Along with Beveridges proposal for national insurance and national assistance, he also proposed family allowances. This proposal came from a post-war issue of child poverty and low wages being paid to people who have large families. He said that family allowances were an essential part of an adequate social security system. The idea of family allowances had already been proposed by other economists such as Keynes. Beveridge insisted on family allowances to be non-contributory and financed through general taxation, for it would be too much for people who have large families and low wages to make contributions. This would cause a great burden on employment. He proposed that 8s should be paid to every dependent child except the first. However, the government was reluctant to pay 8s because it exceeded the limit given by the Treasury, so in 1945 the Family Allowances was introduced at a rate of 5s. Beveridges second major assumption was comprehensive health and rehabilitation service which was to cure disease and help workers get back to work when they are sick, and make them available for work when it is offered. This would also prevent the reasons for unemployment and poverty. This service is to be available for all members of the community and free at the point of consumption. This service was not based on national insurance contributions but funded by taxation. There had already been deliberation before the Beveridge Report was published on making a comprehensive, free medical service, but the Beveridge Report got the government engaged into this more and in 1946 the National Health Service (NHS) was introduced. Before the NHS was introduced, medical services in Britain were not fulfilling the needs of people and the service was very poor. One of Beveridges five giants was Disease and the road to reconstruction was to tackle this post-war crisis, and by making the proposal of introducing the NHS which is free for everyone was an attempt to tackle Disease. His third assumption was maintenance of full employment. Beveridge said that unemployment is a crucial problem which needs to be solved and without change, social improvement was impossible. (Thane, 1996, p239) In his Report he defined the need to avoid mass unemployment by keeping the rate of unemployment at an average of no more than 8 and a half per cent. However, by the end of the Second World War and the mid 1970s the unemployment rate was accomplished and what in fact happened was that the unemployment rate fell below 8 and a half per cent that Beveridge had suggested. (Hill, 1990, p30) In the report he based his assumption that full time employment will be achieved, which in theory would tackle idleness. As mentioned before the report on Social Insurance and Allied Services was particularly aimed at proposing a set of recommendations for setting up a system of social insurance, which will be mainly an attack on the giant Want. However, the other giants were also briefly mentioned in the report, but not to a great extent. After World War Two people had no houses to come back to, and the education system was failing terribly, there was an increase in poverty, unemployment and no adequate health care was available. To fight the five giants he gave a vital kick to start the programmes that he thought could give freedom not only from want, but the others too. The report in practice does not mention education to a great deal or detail apart from his trumpet call for the attack on Ignorance. Nor does he talk about Squalor in detail, which involves providing houses. This is due to the fact that Beveridge struggled over how to handle rents within the social security. (Timmins, 2001, p24) He p roposed a comprehensive national health service which was to tackle Disease, but that is debatable as a free medical care would not only prevent disease but it would reduce poverty which will attack Want, so this linked into his main idea of his report. However, the creation of the NHS would cause problems on economic grounds as it was very expensive to run a free medical service at the point of use. Beveridges attack on Idleness was to provide high levels of full time employment. This attack on the five giants is linked with Want, as not having a job creates poverty, which then means people have to depend upon benefits, and to make the social security system work there needs to be more people in employment and less people claiming benefits. This is why Beveridge described the course of arguing a full employment was a prerequisite of an adequate system of social security. (Brown, 1995, p84) Looking at the five giants that Beveridge said must be attacked in order to change post-war B ritain; he did not mention the other five giants in too much detail as he did with defeating Want. He therefore did not realistically attempt to tackle all the five giants, and lets be honest even Beveridge could not stretch his terms of reference that far. It was hard enough trying to implement his main proposals of social insurance, so if he aimed his report on defeating all the giants then nothing probably would have come of it and it would not have been as successful as it was. We have established that the main features of the Beveridge Report which are a set of recommendations for the setting up of a system of social insurance. The crucial elements of Beveridges proposals were that everyone was included; they were covered from the cradle to grave and benefits would be at a level which enabled a family to live without recourse to other means. The six fundamental principles of the report were: flat rate of subsistence benefits; flat rate of contribution; unification of administrative responsibility; adequacy of benefit; comprehensive; and classification. Based on them, and the proposal of national assistance which operated through means test, the aim the report was to eliminate Want under any circumstances. The Beveridge Report was a successful seller and the main features of the report became significant, as it gave hope to the people of Britain who were suffering from poverty and unemployment at extreme highs. Beveridges proposal of national insurance and national assistance, was adopted almost at its entirety. In 1945 Family Allowance Act was legislated, subsequently in 1946 the National Insurance Act was introduced, shortly following the National Assistant Act in 1948. These legislations were significant in what Beveridge had recommended as the main features of his report. He understood that if his recommendations had been enacted then Britain would have an ideal social security system which will provide adequate relief to the people in need and improve unemployment. However, there are many criticisms of The Beveridge Report and why many of his proposals were later abandoned and changed from what he initially proposed. One of the problems of Beveridges proposals was with women, in particularly married women. Beveridge recommended that all married women should be eligible for a wide range of benefits by the virtue of their husbands contributions. (Lowe, 2005, p141) Most married women were not in paid work at that time, but women who worked could opt to pay lower contributions and in return they will qualify for the full range of benefits, though below the standard rate. The feminists were his major critics, as Beveridges explicit assumption of married women should enter into partnership with their husband and remain economically dependent upon them goes against what the feminists stand for. It also does not fit the present day situation, in which nearly half of all married women are in paid work. (Hill, 1990, p33) However, the main underprivileged groups are the non-working single women and even after efforts being made to meet their needs, nothing came of it. He also did not find a satisfactory sol ution for separated, divorced and widowed women within an insurance scheme. Women were generally not equally represented or rewarded in the labour market and they did not choose to not participate, but they were excluded from any competition with men. So when Beveridge recommended a housewives charter which would allow provide grants upon marriage, free domestic help when ill and a separation allowance, it gave hope to the women. However, this was overlooked by critics, as his proposal was dismissed by the government and became a weakness of his Report. This flaw in the implementation of the report has questioned Beveridges aim to change social provision for housewives as it regarded women as dependants of their husbands and not treated equally to men. Beveridges proposals were very significant in what he had promised would happen if they were implemented by the government, which is relieving poverty. But there were many compromises which had to be made in order to adopt his proposals. Many of Beveridges proposals had been rejected by the Treasury on the grounds that it was excessively expensive; this was a flaw both politically and in practical terms. Due to this there was a very lengthy perusal for his recommendations. Beveridge was not liked by Churchhill very much as he also believed that Beveridges recommendations was far too expensive; it would create doubtful prospects for the post-war economy and form hopes for the people of the country which the post-war government could not satisfy. (Thane, 1996, p235) His susten lacked sufficient resourses to respond to inflation or changes in social need or social demand. (Lowe, 2005, p135) Even though the report gained popularity, it also received widespread criticisms like the pension rates are too low and stronger fear that the government will ignore the report. (Thane 1996, p235)Beveridges proposal that retirement pension should gradually be phased in over a period of 20 years was not implemented. This was because it would make arrangements for people who had not contributed to the retirement scheme previously to qualify for very much more quickly than that. Benefits were generally at lower levels than Beveridge suggested. This can be seen with the family allowances, which he said should start at 8s but the government changed it to 5s. Another weakness of his report which critics argue contradicts his main proposals is the principle of universalism and adequacy. If Beveridges main objective was to eliminate Want then why were those in need not targeted for relief? The universalism scheme essentially means that vast contributions will be collected from and benefits will be distributed to those who do not need help from the state. This would then fail effectively to help those who are genuinely in need because benefits will be too widely distributed. The principle of adequacy and universalism was to eliminate means test and not rely on national assistance benefits, but quite the opposite occurred and it was then inevitable that the cost-conscious government would reject the principle of adequacy. Many of Beveridges proposals were contradic ted when they were implemented, and it destroyed the logic of the report. As did the agreement the government came to when they said that the rate of benefit should only be one which provided a reasonable insurance against want. (Lowe, 2005, p144) This automatically meant that insurance contributions was no longer a guarantee that people will be freed from poverty and that would have to result in applying for means-tested national assistance. Rather than diminishing the use of national assistance as predicted by the report, it became increasingly significant. Beveridges proposals became significant, as the main acts of social insurance were accepted by the government, although after some alteration, they were legislated and brcame the foundation of his report. However, a report which was said to be a blueprint of post-war reform was far from revolutionary or logical. Even though some of his proposals were enacted, they were changed vastly from what Beveridge had proposed to begin with. All this did not come without recourse to other measures, which was seeking national assistance. This subsidiary benefit was supposed to wither away, but in fact the number of claimants increased. Furthermore, many of his proposals were abandoned and did not make Along with the fact that it was impractical, the high cost of social insurance emphasises the failure of Beveridges principle of the unification of administrative responsibility. Beveridge hoped that through the establishment of one responsible ministry, which were the Ministry of Social Security, both government and claimants would become the beneficiaries of a greater co-ordination, simplicity and economy, (Lowe, 2005, p141) but this was far from the case as they did not achieve this and Want was relieved by a wide range of means-tested benefits which were administered by other local governments and the NHS. (Lowe, 2005, p159) Several proposals which Beveridge made were either changed when they were implemented or they were completely abandoned. The reason for this was mainly because as mentioned previously, they were illogical, impractical and very expensive. And his proposals were contradicted when people had to rely on means-tested benefits, which was what he was against and wanted to change. In conclusion,
Further Study Local Or Abroad Education Essay
Further Study Local Or Abroad Education Essay According to our topic, further study local or abroad, journal by Mazzarol. T. and Soutar G. N. explain in detail, why we are choosing this topic, demand for education particularly higher educational, has traditional been driven expectation of its ability to raise the economic and social status of the graduate. For people in less development country limited access to education in their own country lead to a significant rise in the number of international student studying oversea. Between 1960 and 1970, the average growth in the inernational students flows was around 9 percent, and continued about 6 percent from 1970 to 1980 (Hughes, 1988). While there is some evidence of a slowing in the overall flow of international students during the 1980s and 1990s (Kemp, 1995), a global industry has been created. The global pattern of international flows may be experience by a combination of push and pull factors that encourage to study eversea. Push factors operate within the source country and initiate a students decision to undertake international study. Pull factors operate within a host country to make that country relatively attract to international students. Some of these factors are inherent in the source country, some in the host contry and other in the students themselves. In the other hand, Bakalis S. and Joiner T. A. (2004) said, encouraging students to undertake part of their study abroad is likely to not only enhance a students employability but also assist in developing important life skills. Plus, also identify some of the factors that may be associated with students participation in tertiary study abroad programmes, by investigating some of the reasons that may be explain the absence of a strong culture that values international study experiences. Againts this background, note that previous studies attempting to explain the participation of students in study abroad programmes have not considered the difference in personality dimensions of students participate, and those who do not. They argue that students who have personalities characterized by perceptivity to diversify and change are more likely to participate in an exchange programme compared who do not participate. Conclusion, this two authors give us brief description about why we are choosing this topic, study local or abroad and what might be the factors and the reasons for the students to continue study abroad or stay in their home country. As our own, we discovered that culture, cost and employer perception will be another factors that attibute to the decision to further study local or abroad. Problem Statement Recent trends have seen an upward surge in the number of students further study outside of their country. This research is to determine the specific factors that influence study abroad decisions by students. Beside, this research is done to discover which one is better,pursuing inside or outside of the country. Statistical analysis will indicate the decision to participate is influenced by several factors. The research will also discover the effects of a study abroad programme on students in term of personal growth and career development. Not even that, it also touch on the cost involve as the students decide to further study outside of their own country. By this study, the student will be able to experience on how to interact with the foreignersand it will directly affect their future career in what ever directions. The research will find out, does personal growth in term of emotional maturity, empathy, flexibility is one of the factor that student will consider and do this factor r eally benefits them. In addition, this research is to discover whether students will get intelectual development in term of critical thinking, problem solving, when they are in the foreign country. The research will find out whether the study abroad programme improve their cultural understanding or they want to improve their career prospects, or they are pursuing study outside their regional country because of joining their friends which also participate in such programmes. Furthermore, this study will also discovered that if the students participate in study abroad programme,whether it shows any significant difference in global perspective and cross cultural cosmopolitanism. Based on the Open Doors 2009, the international student annual mobility report issued by the US Embassy in year 2008, there was a 9.5% increase in the number of Malaysian students who enrolled in the United States, up from 5,428 students in the 2007/08 academic year. In year 2009 worldwide Open Doors report shows that the total number of international students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by 8% to an all time high of 671,616 for the 2008/09 academic year. Moreover, Malaysia is ranked as 21st among other countries sending students to the United States with 5,942 having enrolled for the 2008/09 academic. This show United States remained a top destination for Malaysian students who wanted to study abroad due to the quality and prestige associated with an American degree. Research Objective 1.2.1 To determine the most important factor that effects their decision to study abroad or locally. 1.2.2 To determine the least important factor that effect their decision. 1.2.3 To examine the relationship between the factor and the decision to further study abroad or local. 1.3 Scope of The Research The title of the research is further studylocally or abroad, which one is better. Therefore, our respondent of this research is among UiTM students. The dependent variable for our research is culture, cost and employer perception. Besides, the independant variable is further study local or abroad. 1.4 Significant of The Research The important of the research to the study is, it helps the student to see the pros and contras of furthering study abroad or local. In addition, the students are able to make a right decision whether to go for abroad or local. The importance of the research to the university is, the university can identify the best factor that influenced the students decisions on furthering studyabroad or local. It will also allow a university to know whether they provide with a good service to studentscompare on what international students expects from them. The important of the research to the country is, it helps the country to know whether most of the students chose to go for abroad or locally. It also helps the country to know what is the most important reason that influences the students decision. Moreover, it also helps the country to know whether the level is on the same league with other country. 1.5 Key Term/ Concepts 1.5.1 Further:Contribute to the progress or growth of 1.5.2 Study:To apply ones mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowlegde or understanding of (a subject). 1.5.3 Abroad:A foreign country or country in which to live or travel(John le Carrà ©) 1.5.4 Local:Relating to a city, town, or district rather than a larger area which is not broad or general. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter provides a review of the literature on the topic Further Study Abroad or Locally. Section 2.1 explain on the and benefits and advantages of studying abroad. Section 2.2 is on Factor Influence Study Abroad. Section 2.3 is about barriers study abroad. On the other hand section 2.4 explain on advantages and benefit studying locally. Section 2.5 about barriers studying locally and lastly section 2.6 explain factor influence study locally. Section 2.7 provide the conceptual framework. Finally 2.8 is identifies the Hypotesis of the study. 2.1 Literature Riview 2.1.1 Benefits and Advantages of Studying Abroad According to Chesterton G. K. (1986), the journal is about the benefit a student can expect from joining a study abroad programme. The teaching style in the classroom will be different, so the student will be forced to develop their own ability to learn. The lifestyle and social rhythm within the walls of the university or educational center will be different, forcing the student to expand their social skills in order to get assistance from tutors, teachers assistants, school staff, classmates, as well as to make friends among their peers. While the students personal development will pay dividends immediately after their return in the form of higher social standing, and increased scholastic productivity from their improved cognition, the student will also derive much benefit from the expansion of their communication abilities later. They will develop their character and achieve a new degree of self-reliance. It is important to note that while cultural exploration goes far beyond loca ting foreign counterparts, and extends deeper into matters of language usage, the arts, social relationships, alien religious observance and geopolitics will produce an impossible to remove impression on ones character and a lasting sense of self-confidence. In conclusion, the student can get lot of benefit by furthering abroad. According to Hammer M. R. (1997), the journal is about culture and benefit that student get when they choose to further abroad. Choosing to go for abroad give they access to intercultural competence, knowledge of other cultures an awareness of the dignity and worth of every human being plus respect for cultural differences. Furthermore, it increases their intercultural friendships as the time spent with people from other cultures upon their return to their own country are more. Significantly it lowers their level of anxiety or discomfort around other cultures, and leads to a significant increase in intercultural competence, especially for students who began the program with a polarized view of other cultures. Next, the benefit is foreign-language speaking ability anxiety around other cultures and the social networks. In addition, they gain the ability to act as a responsible global citizen increase in students knowledge of the host culture, moves students forward dramatically in thei r spoken fluency in the host countrys language. In conclusion, the student will learn lot about culture and gain some benefit from it. According to Dwyer M. M. (1999), the journal is about benefit of study abroad. Furthering abroad good in term of personal growth, 97 percent said studying abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity, 96 percent reported increased self-confidence, 89 percent said that it enabled them to tolerate ambiguity, and 95 percent stated that it has had a lasting impact on their world view. Findings also show that study abroad leads to long-lasting friendships with other. In addition it give intercultural development, 98 percent of respondents said that study abroad helped them to better understand their own cultural values and biases, and 82 percent replied that study abroad contributed to their developing a more sophisticated way of looking at the world. The experience of living and studying in another country was so eye-opening. Lastly study abroad ignited interest in a career direction pursued after the experience, compared to 60 percent of non-intern respondents. In addition, 83 per cent said that it allowed them to acquire skill sets that influenced their career path, compared to 75 percent who did not intern. In conclusion, students choose to further abroad for better understanding their own culture value. According to Peters C. K. (2000), the journal is about competitive advantages.Competitive advantages over students who never venture abroad to study, including improved foreign language skills and a more cosmopolitan. Furthermore, they gain international perspective plus greater tolerance for other opinions and ability to think more originally. In addition, they see more than one perspective on an issue, greater self-reliance and self-confidence plus more comfort with complex situations. In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages of furthering abroad. According to Yu A. H. et. al (2004), modelling the effects of the study abroad programs om college students. Studya abroad programs facilitate improvement in five education outcomes, learning, culture immersions, personal growth, foreign interaction and career development. Plus, they also believe foreign environment helps students learn how to cope with phsychological and physical changes . In conclusion , the implications is languange learning effects, the focus of much research on study abroad outcomes are not the only significant results from such programs yet cultural immersion and carrer advancement should be more focusing on. According to Dwyer M. M. (2002), the journal is about conventional wisdom in the study abroad field has held that more is better; that is, the longer students study abroad the more significant the academic, cultural development and personal growth benefits that accrue. The study was designed to measure the longitudinal correlations between specific program features language study, housing choice, duration of study, enrollment in foreign university courses, participation in an internship or field study, among others and a variety of student outcomes. Long-held beliefs that studying abroad for a full year has more significant and enduring impact on students were supported by the data of this study. While it has been long believed that study abroad changes peoples lives, little evidence exists to explain what kinds of tangible changes occur and for how long. This study shows that study abroad has a significant impact on students in the areas of continued language use, academic attainmen t measures, intercultural and personal development, and career choices. In conclusion, the age-old premise that more is better holds true when it comes to the duration of a study abroad experien. According to Farrell P. and Suvedi M. (2002), studying abroad in Nepal, understanding impact on students lives. The valued outcome of study abroad is to help the individual acquire a deep understanding of another culture, and to begin appreciate and develop empathy for people who are different, plus there will be an impact on the intellectual, international perspectives, cross-cultural interest and personal development students.They also revealed three areas of significance, language proficiency appeared to increase substantially, a greater interest in international affairs and a large increase in their level of knowledge about the host country. Finally , students study abroad will experience higher level of self-confidence and sociability , also they will learning about cultural sensitivity, social and professional polish , wider personal horizons and improved career opportunities for students. They believe students who adapted quickly to new people , places and situations, were abl e to communicate and think critically. According to Wang B.C.Y and Bu.N. (2003) attitudes toward international careers among male and female Canadian business students after 9-11. The advantages of study abroad are personal growth , exciting new life experiences and travel opportunities , plus , family factor appears to weigh more in education decisions. In conclusion , students who have at least one of their parents travelling internationally for work are more likely want to study outside from their country , next, the more languages they can speak, the more likely they thinking about study abroad because they confidence in their ability to interact effectively in foreign environments . Lastly, students who have foreign friends are also interested in study abroad than who do not, this might be because socializing with them can be a various learning experience which increases curiosity toward foreign culture and decrease anxiety about them. According to Sheila J. Curran (2007), why must need to student further study abroad and it is a way to gain critical career advantage for each individual itself. There are multiple benefits accrue to those who spend significant time in another country and also a significant proportion of students see the experience as an important part of their college. Everybody knows student likely to have fun, but when we think about study abroad as a way to gain critical advantage we will find that all foreign experiences are not created equal in the minds of employer. Therefore, employer were looking for graduate who can communication as well as writing, know the important of cross cultural understanding and an appreciation for different point of view and also it make student gravitated in demonstrate maturity, initiative, and creativity. According to S. Chan (2009). Further study abroad is not learning alone but the total experience that lures our student to foreign shores. In 2009, statistics review that there are already 23000 Malaysian students currently studying in Australian institutions of higher learning, over 13000 in the United Kingdom (UK) and another 6000 students in the US. There are biggest reasons for going overseas to complete their tertiary education is to enhance their employability prospect. In the other hand, going overseas may help a student built his self-confidence. The multinational companies also may prefer candidates from foreign universities who had perception that student exposed to different nationalities and cultures and also there better communication, interpersonal skill and enabling them to cope better in a matrix organization. According to Ingraham. P. (2004) the journal is about the idea that study abroad is deeply beneficial and important for undergraduate students. However there is a relative scarcity of systematically gathered qualitative and quantitative information that assesses the impact of study abroad. In their study, they have outlined six goals for studying abroad including to facilitate students intellectual growth, contribute to students professional development, accelerate students personal growth, develop students skills for relating to culturally different others, enhance students self-awareness and understanding of their own culture and also contribute to the internationalization of the students home department, college, or university. Other than that, they also discussed that studying abroad to have an impact on students intellectual growth (including both academic performance and language learning), personal growth, intercultural awareness, and professional development. In conclusion, t he research should help to understand the type and amount of learning that takes place in study abroad. According to Tammy O. (2004), the journal is about advantages of study abroad in term of career goal. Some choose to go abroad to increased interpersonal skills and a broadened understanding of international business practices. It also because employers view study abroad favorably and believe study abroad experiences develops highly-desirable skills for career advancement. People believe having a study abroad experience is beneficial in increasing ones career opportunities. In addition, employers consider interpersonal skills the most important qualification for a potential job candidate this study assumes that a positive study abroad experience will lead towards a favorable international dimension in a given career. These dimensions would include a positive outlook on working in an international capacity plus the development of skills useful to international business, and entry into a career with international involvement. In conclusion, students believe that study abroad experience is beneficial to them in term of career opportunity. According to Ozturgut O. (2007), the journal is about benefits of studying abroad for students in higher education. The benefits were discussed in three different categories. First one is Knowledge Transfer where knowledge in normal disciplines is more frequently and rapidly transferred from one country. Second, International Education and Research provides an understanding of different cultures regarding their socio-cultural, political, economic, and educational systems. Third benefit is Border-crossing communication and discourse where learning and research in an international setting is one way of experiencing different views, which will then broaden ones horizon and promote global perspectives as a leap forward in students developing critical and reflective thinking skills. In the article, he also cited from Carlson et al. (1991) that the students participate in study abroad programs to improve their cultural understanding and to improve their career prospects. Other than that, v arious academic, financial, and other personal reasons affecting the number of students participating in study abroad programs and their choice of target country were also discussed in the article. All in all, it is explained through this study that study abroad programs have benefits to both institutions and individuals. According to the Bott J.P. (2008), the journal is about benefit of furtheringabroad to humanity. Students studying abroad put a positive face on the nation. The student will recognize that they are in fact an representative representing their home country and should act accordingly, Even if the student does not have any understanding of the foreign policy or pop culture and cannot answer questions well, it is only natural that they very presence abroad will have a humanizing effect and lead to a more favorable impression of their country provided they are respectful of, and interested in the host country, its people and customs. The student has the opportunity to create lasting good will by showing similar respect in return, because such accord is rarely exchanged between members of differing castes or status within those societies. The cumulative effect of such good will, leads to further exchanges of ideas, trade and peace. Students studying abroad tend to carry with them youthful idealism and will tend to speak out against injustices and violations of their mores. In conclusion, furthering abroad give big impact to the student original country. According to Gonyea R.M. (2008) the impact of study abroad on senior year engagement . Students who study abroad expect to expand their perspectives on world affairs, understand diverse cultures, acquire languages and gain maturity and self-awareness. The effects of study abroad will be increased interest in global issues, better skills in other languages and personal growth such as independence, social confidence, sensitivity toward people from other countries and more interested and self-assurance in continuing global travel . They also believed that study abroad program are often constructed and assessed . Plus , students with higher grades, better educated parents and strong engagement in the first year of college are more likely to participate in study abroad . In conclusion, those who participated in study abroad program significantly higher levels of engagement in two forms of deep learning(integrative and reflective) and in diversity experiences . Study abroad participants al so reported more gains in personal and social development than their peers . Based on The Star dated on 23rd October 2010 by Eugene Mahalingam, the news is about studying abroad versus locally. Choosing study abroad has its own benefits and disadvantage. Studying abroad requires a huge financial support because most of the country in the oversee cost of living is higher compare in Malaysia. Foreign graduates are more expert in English and have better thinking skills. They are more mature and independentthan local graduates. On the good side student with foreign qualification are more preferable among the employer compare student with the local qualification. Moreover the education standard offered in overseas is far better because education concept in Malaysia more towards academically-driven. According to Lisa C. (2004), the journal is about global awareness . It was defined by four categories which intercultural awareness is about students in the abroad group were generally more aware than their peers at home of varying national and cultural perspectives. For personal growth and development, students abroad reported developing a greater appreciation for the arts than those on campus. In addition, the awareness of global interdependence was about those who travel may develop greater sensitivity towards other world-views. Lastly is functional knowledge of world geography and language is about daily challenge of trying to communicate in an environment where they were at a distinct verbal disadvantage. In conclusion, the students who spent the month abroad were more confident in their levels intercultural awareness and functional knowledge than their peers who remained on campus. News from Bernama dated Dec. 21, 2012, stated that Malaysians Government will handle the programme to Malaysian student who study abroad to expert in their mother language. The programe would be held on during semester break in cities referring to region and continent, said by Dr. AwangSariyan. The collaboration with KPM establish syllabus where bring benefit as well as advantages gained from the programme. This would ensure Malaysian student did not outdate to learn basic and advanced knowledge and information which regards to the mother tongue. Besides that, the planning already approved and currently update by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri MuhyiddinYassin. Therefore, Malaysian students are able to enhance their knowledge which regards to national language. 2.1.2 Factor Influence Study Abroad According to Aminuddin Mohsin (2011) Private Company was allocated RM 8.13 mil for its scholarship programme for this year. This can be conclude as factor that influence individual itself to continue studies, whether locally or abroad which is scholarship given. The private company which is Maxis recognized that, it is importance to them further studies where education is the most important to develop human capital and factor of culture, technology and innovation we will easy to adapt then.Morever, while the company focusing in given scholarship there directly support our government in helping eligible individual gain access to their tertiary education. According to Mazzarol T. and Soutar G. N. (2001), push-pull factors influencing international student destination choice . For people in less develop countries, limited access to education in their own countries led to significant rise in the number of international students studying overseas. Other factors influencing the selection of a country study destination have been a commonality of language, the availability of science and technology-based programs and the geographic proximity of the home and host countries. In conclusion, other factors that motivating the student of their decision to study abroad are personal recommendations, cost issues, the environment , social links and overseas course was better than local plus the local environment also influences the attractiveness of a host country. News from Bernama dated Dec 11, 2012 which attracts Malaysian students to study abroad is Indias Government provide financial scheme in academic year 2013-2014(Study offer in India under self-financing scheme, 2012 ). This be very attractive news where Malaysian student able to study abroad with help from Indias Government. The news will give opportunities to candidates who interested to further study in medicine, dentist, pharmacy and engineering. Application form can be obtains directly to Level 28, Menara 1, MontKiara. For further information and enquires can be through official website Indias Government. The information include course related, duration of each courses, expenses incurred, flight schedule, and etc. the application form need to be the hands of Indias Government before 31 March. This is because the form will take another 6 month before the result will out. There are many stages to process the application form. Therefore, end result only will be out on September 2013. In conclusion, Indias Government provide financial assistant to those who interested further studies there. News dated Oct 10, 2012 from Bernama which related to mechanism that can be reason why wants study abroad. This is because Pahang Chair will provide financial scheme to those interested in programme stated in University of Yarmouk in master and doctorate programme. Recently, Pahang MenteriBesarDatuk Seri Adnan Yaakob made agreement in memorandum of understanding (MoU) with President Prof DrSutan Abu Orabi in Amman. IKIP International College who owned by Pahang Foundation make another one step ahead compared to other colleges, where made agreement with universities from oversea. With this, IKIP International College will be known to other countries and make the colleges level same as other oversea universities. Besides that, this be place where can interchange information and knowledge with others. Also can generate new ideas and bring improvement to Malaysia when the respected student coming back their hometown. The student not only knows culture there as well as lifestyle that adop ted here. Cross culture can happened with or without notice about it. The relationship can increase the level of understanding each other. In conclusion, financial scheme provided by Pahang Chair give benefits to students in many ways. Accorrding to Nattavud P.(2003), the choices of international education were investigate in order to improve marketing strategies. Interpersonal influence and recommendation from family members are among the important sources of information and encouragement for complicated services like international education. The flows of students internationally result from a combination of push and pull factors. There are four basic choices prior to studying abroad which is the choice of country, city, academic course and of university. The studies indicated the chronological order of choice of country, city, academic course and then university. Otherwise, there are five factor familial influencing factors which is finance, information, expectation, competition and persuasion on choices of international education. All of five choices of international education, familial influencing factors have stronger impact on the decision to study abroad, choice of country and city than choice of academic pr ogram and university. The study conclude that the different level of education perceived the influence of the family in the different way and the need for international education and the decision-making process of each group of student are dissimilar. According to Gray B. J. (2003), the journal is about five main brand positioning dimensions which are environment, reputation, graduate career prospect, destination image and cultural integration. This positioning dimension can be summarized as a universitys learning environment which talk about excellent staff, facilities and research resources while the reputation is about the brand name, achievements and high standard of education that student can get. Next, graduate career prospects will talk about graduates employment prospects and expected income that the student might get as a student that graduate from that university and employers views of that university graduates. In addition destination image also is one of the reasons of making a decision, which it covers, political stability, safety and hospitality. Lastly, student will consider cultural integration where it related to religious freedom and cultural diversity. This is to ensure that they can adapt with that place. In co nclusion, these five main brand positioning dimensions give big impact on student decision. According to Bakalis S. and Joiner T. A. (2004), the participation in tertiary study abroad programs, the role of personality. The main obstacle apart from cost which been menti
Saturday, July 20, 2019
A Comparison of The Trial and The Metamorphosis :: comparison compare contrast essays
A Comparison of The Trial and The Metamorphosis      Two of Kafkas' most predominate works, The Trial and The Metamorphosis, are very similar in many aspects, yet also have unique differences. Many of these similarities and differences are very obvious, but also there are subtle comparisons that the reader might not pick up while reading. One would think, after reading both stories, that the differences outweigh the similarities, but that is not entirely true. Not only should the reader view the style of the writing when comparing the two, but also the setting and plot of the two stories. Both stories relate to loneliness, frustration and individuals threatened by anonymous forces beyond comprehension or control.       Although the struggle between these anonymous forces are a lot more evident in The Metamorphosis, they are also seen throughout The Trial. In The Metamorphosis, the anonymous force is whatever, or whoever, changed Gregor Samsa into an insect. In The Trial, the struggle is more complex. Joseph K struggles to find the true meaning behind his arrest. He searches for answers related to his case, but no one can give him a clear answer as to why he was arrested. Not even the inspector that arrested him,  "These gentlemen here and myself have no standing whatever in this affair of yours, indeed we know hardly anything about it. We might wear the most official uniforms and your case would not be a penny worse. I can't even confirm that you are charged with an offense, or rather, I don't know whether you are." (p 12)  As you can see, K has no luck getting information regarding his case. In fact, from the time he was first put under arrest to when he was killed, he never encountered the anonymous force that issued the arrest. The same is true for The Metamorphosis. Gregor never finds out exactly what turned him in to an insect, and why. This is the dominate issue in both stories, and a prime example of similarity in Kafkas' stories.       Another similarity in the two stories is how Kafka used surrealism. Surrealism in The Metamorphosis is obvious, as Gregor's sudden change into a bug is quite surreal by itself. In The Trial, there are many subtle examples. Perhaps the best example is the scene with the whipper.
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