Wednesday, October 30, 2019
PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE for DRAMA OF DIVERSITY class, about these 2 Statement
PERSPECTIVE for DRAMA OF DIVERSITY class, about these 2 questions When did you first notice that you were different fr - Personal Statement Example I always felt that it was my moral obligation to help out others. I have probably given over 100 tutoring sessions in my lifetime free of charge. To me helping others was a truly gratifying experience. Back when I was 12 years old I would always play basketball during lunchtime and after school. I would practice alone for hours upon hours because I loved the game. My teachers always told me that I was a very special student. I have always loved reading about different subjects. When the internet became popular back in the 1990’s I became a more sophisticated student due to the fact that the internet provided me with an unlimited source of information. Since I was very young I was always very curious about learning new things. I believe that every human being has unique attributes and skills that can be used to make our society a better place. 2. A few years ago I was a member of an organization as a part-time worker. In this job one of my primary duties was giving refunds to t he employees that went on business trips. My supervisor was a very nice man that treated me with respect. After six months on the job my supervisor got promoted and he left the office to work at another division in another state. At that time the head of the office became my supervisor. From the start I did not like the way I was treated by this person. She though because I was young and inexperienced that I did not deserve any respect.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Measure of Contentment Essay Example for Free
Measure of Contentment Essay Down to that moment I had vainly supposed that my creditor had withdrawn or suspended proceedings until I should be quite recovered. I had never dreamed of Joes having paid the money; but Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name. What remained of me now, but to follow him to the dear old forge, and there to have out my disclosure with him, and my penitent remonstrance with him, (Page 463) This shows how only Joe can rescue Pip and his identity; Joe represents who Pip should have become. Respect and admiration for Joe is once again won for Pip, as I had never dreamed of Joe paying the money; but Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name shows. As a result of this act of Joes, Pip continues to reform into someone with a better identity, an example of which is shown in the passage: What remained of me now, but to follow him to the dear old forge, and there to have out my disclosure with him, and my penitent remonstrance with him, as this shows how Pip is willing to be humble toward Joe, and ask for his forgiveness. By seeking after someone elses pleasure before his own, Pip displays qualities of selflessness, Once Pip has discovered his true identity, he can begin to become someone he is happy and content with, because he cares less about his own problems and so they dont loom as great and as terrible, and he becomes more content. A further lesson Pip must learn in his struggle to find contentment is to control his fantasies, phobias and delusions. A phobia is something psychological, that you fear and therefore try to shut out. Pips phobia that he wont be able to obtain Estella controls him so much that he subconsciously creates fantasies to counter-act his phobias. A fantasy is when you dream of something irrational, or a surreal delusion of something that is exaggerated to fit your expectations of what you want that thing to be. Pip gets trapped by many fantasies in the novel, which prevent him living in reality and achieving contentment. A major fantasy in the novel is that Estella is meant for him, and that Miss Havisham is his benefactress, and this fantasy drives Pip into becoming a gentleman: The beautiful young lady at Miss Havishams, and shes more beautiful than anyone ever was, and I admire her dreadfully, and I want to be a gentleman on her account. (Page 125) This passage is when Pip confides in Biddy why he yearns after being a gentleman, and it shows how Pip has the fantasy that as soon as he is a gentleman, Estella will be his. Later, when he comes into his Great Expectations, he fantasises that Miss Havisham is his benefactress so that he can be fit for Estella, and the fantasy is so strong that he makes himself believe that it is true. A passage that displays this is found on Page 177, when Pip is getting acquainted with Herbert: And as to the condition which you hold your advancement in life-namely that you are not to inquire or discuss to whom you owe it- you may be very sure that it will never be encroached upon, or even approached by me, or anyone belonging to me. In truth, he said this with so much delicacy, that I felt the subject done with, even though I should be under his fathers roof for years and years to come. Yet e said it with so much meaning, too, that I felt he as perfectly understood Miss Havisham to be my benefactress, as I understood the fact myself. This passage shows how Pip has let his fantasy that Miss Havisham is his benefactress delude him, and how he will manipulate things that may not necessarily mean what Pip wants them to mean, to suit him and his fantasies. In order for Pip to progress in life and achieve contentment, he must learn to let go of these fantasies. However, it is apparent that Pip is unable to let go of his fantasies, because he is afraid of what the reality might be. For example, Pip makes himself believe that Miss Havisham is his benefactress and that Estella is intended for him, because if Miss Havisham is not his benefactor, who is, and is Estella still for him? To Pip, the answer to these questions are too daunting to recognize, so he fantasises about the answer that he wants it to be. Therefore, when Pip discovers that in reality, his benefactor is an escaped convict, he is in absolute shock and repulsion. The abhorrence in which I held the man, the dread I had of him, the repugnance with which I shrank from him, could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast. (Page 313) Dickenss cleverly uses language in this passage by repeating the same thing three times in different ways, as each of the parts of the passage that Pip describes Magwitch with all tell of his hatred and revulsion of him, but the build up of these things adds drama to the scene, emphasising Pips shock at the reality instead of his fantasy. Once Pip understands that Magwitch is his benefactor, a reformation begins in Pip, and he becomes a better, happier, more altruistic person. Where I might go, what I might do, or when I might return were questions utterly unknown to me; nor did I vex my mind with them, for it was wholly set on Proviss safety. I only wondered for the passing moment, as I stopped at the door and looked back, under what altered circumstances I should next see those rooms, if ever. (Page 425) This passage depicts how Pip has controlled his phobia of lower class status, because he is willing to help Magwitch and develops a self-sacrificing love for him, because, as it says in this passage, Pip is willing to give up everything that he has ever consciously wanted, which is being an eligible gentleman, for Magwitchs (Proviss) safety. As a result of his self-centred fantasies, phobias and delusions, Pip becomes very selfish and self-concerned whilst he is in London, but when he begins to seek humble forgiveness from Joe and Miss Havisham because his fantasies have been ruined by reality, he becomes less selfish. Selflessness contributes to Pips happiness at the end of the novel, which is part of Pip learning to become like Joe, who demonstrates selflessness throughout the novel. When Pip seeks after others happiness before his own, he becomes more able to grow and develop into a better person: Giving of self makes you unselfish, which in turn makes you happy as you make others happy. This consequences in you being outward looking because you want to look for more opportunities to help others, creating less focus on your own faults and more contentment and satisfaction with yourself. For example, when Pip saves Miss Havisham from the fire, or lends Herbert money for his business, Pip forgets about his own needs and safety. The injury Pip gets as a result of the fire at Satis House does not prevent Pip from wanting to save Magwitch by helping him escape the law and Compeyson by fleeing the country, instead, he wishes he could do more: I felt mortified to be of such little use in the boat,; but there were few better oarsman than my two friends. (Page 426) This shows how instead of dwelling on his own unfortunate circumstances, and the fact that he felt mortified, Pip thinks in a complimentary manner about his two friends: but there were few better oarsman than my two friends. Pip learning how to become less self-centred and dispel his fantasies and phobias partly leads to the level his contentment at the end of the novel. An additional lesson that Pip must learn before he can achieve some level of contentment, and a fundamental lesson for anyone growing up, is learning to listen and take advice from others. There are many points in the novel where Pip is offered good advice, usually by someone of trust or worth to Pip, and he doesnt take it. Once Pip learns to take the advice given to him by those superior to him in experience, he can begin to make better and more informed decisions, which consequences in his being happier, more satisfied and more content. The first major turning point in the novel, of Pip desiring to be and becoming a gentleman, could have been avoided if Pip had listened to this advice given to him by Biddy: Biddy, said I, after binding her to secrecy, I want to be a gentleman. Oh, I wouldnt, if I were you! she returned. I dont think it would answer. Biddy, I said with some severity, I have particular reasons for wanting to be a gentleman. You know best Pip, but dont you think that you are happier as you are? (Page 124) This passage shows how Pip thinks that he knows best, as he speaks to Biddy with severity at not being able to understand why he wants to be a gentleman. When Biddy questions Pip, if he is not happier now, it shows that Pip is striving for contentment, although he attempts to find it in the wrong way, as Biddy cleverly picks up on: Do you want to be a gentleman to spite her, or to gain her over? Biddy quietly asked, after a pause. I dont know, I moodily answered. Because if it is to spite her, Biddy pursued, I should think -but you know best- that might be better and more independently done by caring nothing, for her words. And if it is to gain her over- I should think- but you know best -she is not worth gaining over. (Page 125) Here, Biddy is offering Pip very good advice; that Estella really isnt worth it. However, Pip thinks that he knows best, as Biddy says, and continues to follow the prospect of becoming a gentleman for Estella. If Pip had taken Biddys advice, he would have been able to achieve contentment in his life quicker than he does as he pursues the life of a gentleman, because he would have learned to forget Estella, become apprenticed to Joe, and lived the life of Joe, who is content with his life. However, once Pip is in London, it is a whole new world to him, one that he struggles to cope with at first because of the spectral difference between London and his marsh country home. As a result of this, Pip needs to be taught how to survive in London and he is now willing to learn and listen to the advice of others, which in turn helps him to achieve a degree of contentment. I believe that this is one of the most important lessons that readers today can get from Great Expectations; that in order to achieve contentment, you need to be able to listen to the advice of those that are older, more experienced and more knowledgeable that you are, because they are more likely to know how to best achieve it. The readers can learn from Pips ignorance not to make the same mistakes themselves. Dickens cleverly uses setting throughout the novel to depict different qualities of life, or levels of contentment. The marsh country Pip originates from represents a humble lifestyle, but those that live there, such as Joe and Biddy, and Pip at the beginning of the novel, seem to be more content with their lives than those that live in London, which represents the wealthy, extravagant lifestyle. Dickens uses this irony to show how money and wealth do not necessarily bring contentment, which is a further essential lesson that Pip must learn. Miss Havisham lives in Satis House, which comes from the Latin meaning enough or satisfaction. This is ironic because from the outside, the house represents a life of wealth and grandeur, which people often assume to bring satisfaction, but on the inside, the residents of the house lead a bitter, frozen lifestyle, and Miss Havisham is so unsatisfied with her life that she lives it to wreak revenge on all men. These circumstances are used by Dickens to show how wreaking revenge does not equate to contentment; Pip must learn that if he is to be happy, he must not seek revenge from anyone, even those that have especially offended him. Nobodys life works out perfectly, and Pips is evidently no exception. An example of a situation where Pip would need to learn to forgive and forget is when Mrs Joe, his sister dies. On contemplation, Pip reflects: Whatever my fortunes might have been, I could scarcely have recalled my sister with much tenderness. But I suppose there is a shock of regret which may exist without much tenderness. Under its influence (and perhaps to make up for the want of the softer feeling) I was seized by a violent indignation against the assailant from whom she had suffered so much; and I felt that on sufficient proof I could have revengefully perused Orlick, or anyone else, to the last extremity. (Page 272) This passage discloses Pips thoughts as he moves from feeling bitter toward his sister: I could scarcely recall her with much tenderness, to seeking revenge upon the person that caused his sister anguish: I felt that on sufficient proof I could have revengefully perused Orlick, or anyone else, to the last extremity. It is a successful piece of writing as Dickenss uses pairs of effective adjectives such as shock of regret and violent indignation, which creates more impact on the reader and helps them to empathise with the way Pip is feeling. This then results in the reader feeling more of a connection to Pip as he strives to achieve contentment, and so helps them to learn more from the novel. In conclusion, it believe that Dickens rite-of-passage novel Great Expectations is successful at presenting useful lessons to its readers as to how they themselves can achieve contentment, despite being written in the 19th century. These are portrayed through Pips own struggle to achieve contentment, many of the struggles relating to Dickens own life, such as the issues like overcoming debt, unrequited love, family problems and poor education. Dickens shows in the novel how these things can be overcome, and contentment and satisfaction achieved, through the realisation of moral values, the dispelling of delusions and fantasies, and learning how to respond to people around you. However, despite this, the most important lesson, that comes through the novel, in learning how to achieve contentment in life is living it. Pip says that he was happy at the forge before he went to London, but he was not content (Page 315). Therefore, this suggests that the novel recommends that the best way to gain contentment is to live your life and learn through the experience of it; otherwise you would feel unsatisfied with your experience of life.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Aldous Huxleys Brave New World Essay -- essays research papers
In the "Brave New World" of 632 A. F. (After Ford), universal human happiness has been achieved. (Well, almost.) Control of reproduction, genetic engineering, conditioning--especially via repetitive messages delivered during sleep--and a perfect pleasure drug called "Soma" are the cornerstones of the new society. Reproduction has been removed from the womb and placed on the conveyor belt, where reproductive workers tinker with the embryos to produce various grades of human beings, ranging from the super-intelligent Alpha Pluses down to the shorter and dumber semi-moron Epsilons. The story takes place in England where the new society lives. Due to a gigantic biological attack almost all of the world is destroyed except for england and parts of the U.S. In â€Å"Brave New World†civilization is controlled by conditioning and hatchery. Everyone is brought into civilization through a test tube, "the operation undergone voluntarily for the good of society." The D.H.C. (the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning) decides which of the five castes in society the test tube babies will belong to. At a young age, the babies are conditioned to think and act certain ways depending on which caste they will belong to. The beginning chapters describe this brave new world as the D.H.C (Director of hatcheries and conditioning.) gives a group of children a tour of the facility. The reader meets Lenina Crowne who had been dating Henry Foster for some time, and ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
I'm a column shape water bottle with a greenish colour of cap and birth label on my transparent colour and wale pattern body. The label state all the information of mine which including my weight with 350ml, my organ and blood system in the ingredient part, place of birth at Melaka, Malaysia and of course my identity which people used to called it barcode and obtain me by scan on it. I was sent to a shop named seven- eleven with siblings when 2-weeks-old but this was where the tragedy happened. It's at the moonlight night, a night people used to have their sweet dream on the lovely ed.Unluckily, I was an inconspicuous bottle who loitering and crying on the lonely slopes street because of a drunken old man who obtain me and ‘suck in' all the blood in my body to sober up his brain. My body is now rubbing to the road and play a sweet symphony. This short Journey is like fast and furious 5 in the scene but I'm act to dodge the big stone and deep hole instead of car. The rubbing mak es me feel some stabbing pain which in the affordable range. But the most broken-hearted is my skin has been scratching by rubbing and become full of scratches. The cool but lustery weather makes me hard to stop myself on the street.I had no idea how to stop and felt forlornness to this situation because I might be obliged stuck somewhere on the street for whole life. The wind presumptuous indecent me and forced me to loiter along the street. Finally I stopped on the street near the drain since a huge tire block my way. I look around but there were no people or even a cat in my sight at this lonely night. I scream and shout with heartbreaks to the old man to pick me up or bring me home thus I won't stick at there forever. He couldn't hear me and went away afterword. I felt sleepy after this entire thrilling Journey. I was awakened by the ear-piercing horn.The glare and dazzle sun makes me couldn't open my eyes and suddenly I hear ‘Pi Pi Piak Piak sound. I felt unbearable pain from my body and soul since an old truck filled with waste mercilessly run over me without any warning and alert. But I was also unable to do anything even it gave me a whisper horn. When I was feeling the unbearable pain, a limousine as quickly as lighting run over me and left me a wisp of smelly grey smoke. The vehicles on the road treat me like an ant that keep run over me continuously and I was drifted by hem from where to where since I couldn't remember where I am.I thought my miserable wandering life would bring me to heaven but it stopped after few hours. I opened my eyes and realized that I was stuck by an old towering tree because the old roots locked me firmly. In this sad moment, I remember and missed my siblings, missed the days we chatting together happily. I think they might be sent back to the place we birth to refill the blood now, they might be missed me also. I remember that the place I birth was very clean and the air was fresh. Unlike the street and this tree whi ch full of dust.The days I stuck by the old tree, originally didn't had any wind or rain but there were people who forced to help me take bath by pee at me. Sometimes, there would be people who drunk and vomit to me. I couldn't did anything even I didn't like it. So, I learned to be optimism, treat that like bathing. But days by days, I became smelly, estimated mildew. I started to talk and pray to god, hope that any scavengers would pity me and pick me up. I did it every day and didn't give up this small hope. In the leisure time, I would always look around, I always imagined leaving here and backing home.One day, I hear â€Å"nah grandpa, here is nother empty cans†, I look up and saw an old scavenger holding a little girl. He was dragging a big plastic bad which full of recycle items. I was so enw and desperate to go in that plastic bag, this was the only chance I could go back to recycle station and sent back to home. I keep scream and shout, moving my body even these was useless since the old scavenger couldn't hear and saw what I did to him. After they passed by me, I was totally give up and forlornness again†¦ But, there was always a ‘but' in life journey which could change your life, so, Just think of the bright sight of the life.The little girl like sensed me and look back, she saw me and came towards me to pick me up. I was so sincere thanks to the little girl since she save my life. After that, I follow them to back to their home, the little took me out from the plastic bag and help me to wash my smelly and dirty body. She cut me into half after that and used me as flower pot to plant her flower. I didn't felt any remorse since she save my life, she keep watering the flower which I used to plant and talking to it every day. I felt that this might be another type of lifestyle for me. I was enjoyed and happy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Of Mice and Men †George and Lennie Essay
How does Steinbeck present the characters of George and Lennie? During the Great Depression of the 1930s when America was plunged into financial crisis following the Wall Street Crash of October 1929, levels of unemployment and poverty were at an all time high. In this ear life was a struggle and the mentality of society became survival of the fittest, every man for himself. Migrant workers toured the country in search of labour to provide money for food typically sent to relatives living on the bread line elsewhere in America. These men lead lonely and emotionless lives, which are reflected through Steinbeck’s portrayal of his characters in his famous, yet bleak, 1930s novella ‘Of Mice and Men. ’ In the novel, George and Lennie’s relationship diversifies them from the other ranch workers for the reason that they rely on each other for support and companionship ‘I got you and you got me. ’ In particular, the dream they share of owning their own land, reflects the American Dream of being the ringleader of your own life with a level of self-sufficiency. Steinbeck first introduces the reader to George and Lennie at the beginning of the novel ‘a few miles south of Soledad’, in the evening of a hot day where rabbits sat ‘as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones. ’ Disrupting the tranquil atmosphere ‘two men emerged from the path’ as the place was newly ‘lifeless’ for a moment. At first, the author presents George and Lennie as typical migrant workers, both wearing ‘denim trousers and carrying ‘tight blanket rolls’ en route to their next ranch. After creating the impression that the pair are similar, Steinbeck reveals that actually this is not the case ‘behind him walked his opposite. ’ George inhabits a small body with ‘strong, sharp features’ whereas Lennie has a ‘shapeless’ face and a ‘huge’ body. Irrespective of their appearance, it is inferred that both George and Lennie are victims of society ‘restless eyes’ and ‘dragging his feet’ constantly on guard as well as fatigued from both work and travel. Further into the first chapter, we learn that George has a level of authority over Lennie and it could be suggested that he stands as a ‘father figure’ to him. As Lennie ‘snorts into the water’ George ‘sharply’ orders him not to drink so much and informs him to never ‘drink water when it ain’t running. ’ At this moment it becomes evident that Steinbeck intends to present George and Lennie as Master and pet; the only way Lennie can cope is to be like a tame dog, tethered always to his master George and never let out of his sight ‘God you’re a lot of trouble. As the pair settle for the night under the stars, Steinbeck uses Lennie’s character to portray that the pair desire simple possessions ‘I like ‘em with ketchup’ which they can only but dream of having ‘Well we ain’t got any. ’ In this scene Steinbeck intends to emphasise that George and Lennie are unfortunate and t he reader is able to sympathise with them because basic amenities are taken for granted in society today. The scene also exhibits the fact that although George and Lennie are migrant workers they do not fit the ‘typical’ profile, this being because during moments of violence George describes what life would be like if he did not have Lennie to take care of; if he was a lone traveller, a ‘typical’ migrant worker ‘I could stay in a Cat House all night or set in a pool room and play cards. ’ Although George sometimes sees Lennie as an inconvenience it is clear that Steinbeck wishes to present George a companion to Lennie ‘he looked ashamedly’ as well as loyal ‘I want you to stay with me, somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself. This is poignant because it demonstrates that although Lennie keeps George in ‘hot water’ all of the time, George continues to care for Lennie because he knows the consequences of Lennie travelling alone and perhaps is also frightened of being lonely himself ‘that ain ’t no good. ’ In the same chapter, Steinbeck first incorporates the 1930s American Dream ‘An live off the fatta the lan. ’ Lennie makes George tell the familiar story of the small farm he intends to buy, delighting in hearing that he has a future. Evidentially, George does not believe the dream will ever become reality as he rhythmically reels off the words to Lennie as a matter of habit rather than optimism. That said, it is clear that although George does not believe the dream will come true he is thankful to have Lennie by his side ‘somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us’ which perhaps implies that although Steinbeck presents the pair as victims, he also presents them as lucky in the fact that they have each other and care for each other enough to build a firm relationship. To Lennie the dream is all about the rabbits he intends to keep and pet, rather than an engine of hope which drives George to continue the struggle. Lennie excites in the idea that one day he will own a rabbit hutch ‘An’ have rabbits’ because he is unable to see further than his own desires, however George dreams of simplicities such as ‘how thick the cream is on the milk’ implying that all he would like is a stable home. Regardless of their differences in the importance of aspects ncluded in the dream, their dream bonds them together in a shared goal which is to get a ‘stake’ so they can buy ‘a little house and a couple of acres. ’ Many migrant workers shared in dreaming of a better future but had nobody to share it with as everyman was for himself, making George and Lennie’s relationship a rare occurrence. Towards the end of the first chapter, George tells Lennie that if he gets in trouble he should go and hide in the brush until George comes for him ‘I want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush. This is because George recognises the cyclic nature of Lennie’s behaviour and uses his clever nature to devise a plan, something which Lennie would never have thought of doing as he is unaware of his own strength therefore he needs George for survival in the same way a child needs their parents for protection from the outside world. When George and Lennie arrive at the ranch, George reminds Lennie that he is not to speak when they are interviewed by the boss because the boss will not allow Lennie to work on the ranch if he knows of Lennie’s mental instability. George excuses Lennie’s silence telling the boss ‘he got kicked in the head, just ain’t bright’ and assures the boss ‘He’s a God damn good skinner. ’ Here, Steinbeck presents George as the voice of the pair and Lennie as the labourer, it could possibly be inferred that Steinbeck intends to present them as a team rather than George’s one man band with Lennie walking behind because Lennie is strong and can work twice as fast as one man alone, boosting their reputation leading to more work and more pay to add to their savings for the farm. It is also noticeable that the boss has ‘never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy’ which infers not only that the boss surprised by George and Lennie’s relationship but also that because society was hostile and selfish the boss assumed that George was ‘takin’ his pay away. ’ This further infers that relationships were far and few for migrant workers during this era and that Steinbeck intends to present George and Lennie in the way he does because many would overlook the idea of a level of humanity during the 1930s. George’s companionship with Lennie staves of loneliness, but it also gives him a role in life; he has a clear task, looking after Lennie. When George explains the situation to slim in the second and third chapter ‘we kinda look after each other’, Slim offers the suggestion that ‘ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other. ’ Here the author offers the theme of violence because many people had lost the trust of those around them and were prepared to use violence to protect themselves, their belongings and any pride they had. George is honest with Slim ‘Made me seem God damn smart alongside of him’ admitting that early on it made him feel superior and he forced Lennie to do stupid things for the fun of it. However as his sense of shame stopped him, George began to realise that he is dependent on Lennie as much as Lennie is dependent on him because who would fight George if they knew they would have to fight Lennie as well. There are positives of George having Lennie, they defy the ethos of everyman for himself and at this stage it appears this is a key asset in their work. In the middle of the novella, George and Lennie both believe, for a short period of time, that their dream will come true ‘This thing they had never really believed in was coming true’ due to Candy’s offer of money for a place on the farm. Steinbeck demonstrates that although both men know their position, they easily become wrapped up in a fairytale unable to predict their fate of ‘grief and pain, instead of promised joy. ’ A significant part of the novel showing the devotion of George and Lennie’s relationship comes when Curley, bringing with him the theme of violence, picks a fight with Lennie. Showing his sense of justice, George won’t let Lennie get hurt as he is innocent ‘Get ‘im Lennie’, whereas the other men are reluctant to take sides; thinking of their own safety first. Experience with Lennie allows George to recognise Lennie’s strength and to encourage or discourage the use of it when appropriate. As the novel passes the midpoint when George leaves Lennie at the ranch to go to the local brothel with the other ranch hands, Lennie sees the light in Crook’s room and curiosity leads him inside. Crooks is not used to visitors in his room because of his black skin colour which he is heavily discriminated because of by the other ranch hands. He faces segregation and nobody ever wants to talk to him, this is why his bunk is away from the others. Lennie, being unaware of the social hierarchy ‘I thought I could jus’ come in’ is confused as to why Crooks is not wanted and so perseveres in conversation with him. Obviously, had George been around to keep Lennie on his tether, the situation would have been avoided. Lennie tells Crooks ‘me an’ him goes ever’ place together’ through this it is apparent that Lennie is totally dependent on George which Crooks sees as an opportunity to frighten vulnerable Lennie ‘s’pose he gets killed or hurt. ’ It is at this point where Lennie shows his sense of protection for George ‘Who hurt George? ’ and he begins to lose control of his strength walking ‘dangerously’ towards Crooks. Clearly, Lennie believes he should defend George because he is a friend, the man who is going to help him get the rabbits to tend; even when George is not around Lennie is constantly thinking about him and his safety, just as George worries for Lennie’s safety. As the novel draws to the end, Lennie’s lack of control over his strength becomes paramount. Stroking Curley’s wife’s hair, the atmosphere is relaxed and slightly playful as she prompts him to ‘feel how silky it is. When Lennie does not let go and Curley’s wife began to panic ‘struggled violently’ so does Lennie and he ‘began to cry with fright’ before he broke her neck and she ‘flopped like a fish. ’ Recognising that he has done a ‘bad thing’, Lennie acknowledges that he ‘shouldn’t have did that. George ‘ll be mad. ’ Significantly, Lennie has no moral judgement and things are ‘good’ or ‘bad ’ to him depending on what George would think of them; George could be perceived as the voice of Lennie’s conscience. Without George to guide him Lennie is lost, the pair are essential for Lennie’s survival. At the end of the novel, George becomes aware of the fact that Lennie has become a wild dog, needing to be ‘put down’ by his owner ‘I know, I know’ for the best intentions of both men. Features brought to George by his responsibility for Lennie, including his sense of shame and level of compassion and justice, all combine to force him to shoot Lennie and as Slim confirms, he ‘hadda. ’ Just before George releases the bullet, he encourages Lennie to think about the dream in order to ensure he dies in peace and happiness. This is significant in the relationship between George and Lennie as the other men from the ranch have no mercy for the ‘poor bastard’ it is only George who believes although Lennie should die, he should die a painless death. Overall, it is clear that Steinbeck presents George and Lennie as accepting victims of the economic crisis of 1930s America. He gives them a dream which should be realistic but is unfortunately out of touch and offers nothing but a chance of hope for better things to come, a reason to keep going. Ultimately, Steinbeck presents the pair as dependent on each other for their own needs. The reasoning behind Steinbeck’s use of George and Lennie comes from his intention to provide a novel that demonstrates that in the end fate is ways the winner no matter how you plan to avoid it. In this fiction, Lennie was like the mouse in the title; destined to die from the start as he is not fit for society and unfortunately George has to go on alone for himself because he recognises that with Lennie his too is closer to the hands of fate.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Aaron Douglas, Harlem Renaissance Painter
Aaron Douglas, Harlem Renaissance Painter Aaron Douglas (1899-1979) was one of the pioneers of the development of African American art. He was a significant member of the Harlem Renaissance movement of the 1920s and 1930s. Later in his life, he promoted the development of arts education in African American communities from his position as the first head of the art department at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. Fast Facts: Aaron Douglas Occupation: Painter, illustrator, educatorStyle: ModernistBorn: May 26, 1899 in Topeka, KansasDied: February 2, 1979 in Nashville, TennesseeEducation: University of NebraskaSpouse: Alta SawyerSelected Works: Cover images for The Crisis (1926), Illustrations for James Weldon Johnsons Gods Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse (1939), Mural series Aspects of Negro Life (1934)Notable Quote: We can go to African life and get a certain amount of form and color, understanding and using this knowledge in development of an expression that interprets our life. Early Life and Education Born in Topeka, Kansas, Aaron Douglas grew up in a politically active African American community. His father was a baker and highly valued education despite his low income. Douglas mother was an amateur artist, and her interest in drawing inspired her son, Aaron. Following high school graduation, Aaron Douglas wanted to attend college, but he couldnt afford the tuition. He traveled to Detroit, Michigan, with a friend and worked in a Cadillac plant while attending art classes in the evening at the Detroit Museum of Art. Douglas later reported being a victim of racial discrimination at the Cadillac plant. In 1918, Douglas was finally able to enroll at the University of Nebraska. While World War I raged in Europe, he attempted to join the Student Army Training Corps (SATC), but they dismissed him. Historians speculate it was due to racial segregation in the military. He transferred to the University of Minnesota where he rose to the rank of corporal in the SATC before the end of the war in 1919. Returning to Nebraska, Aaron Douglas earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1922. Invincible Music: The Spirit of Africa for The Crisis (1926). New York Public Library / Public Domain Aaron Douglas fulfilled a dream of moving to New York City in 1925. There he studied with artist Winold Reiss, who encouraged him to use his African heritage for artistic inspiration. Reiss drew on the legacy of German folk paper-cuts for his work, and that influence is seen in Douglas illustration work. Soon, Aaron Douglas found his reputation as an illustrator rising quickly. He earned commissions for the National Urban Leagues magazine The Crisis and the NAACPs magazine Opportunity. That work also led to work for nationally popular magazines Harpers and Vanity Fair. Harlem Renaissance Modernist Painter By the final years of the 1920s, writers such as Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and James Weldon Johnson considered Aaron Douglas part of the movement known as the Harlem Renaissance. Early in the following decade, Douglas began painting mural commissions that brought him national fame. Aspects of Negro Life: The Negro in an African Setting (1934). New York Public Library / Public Domain In 1934, with funding from the Public Works Administration, Aaron Douglas painted his best-known set of murals, Aspects of Negro Life, for the Countee Cullen branch of the New York Public Library. For subject matter, Douglas drew on the history of the African American experience from slavery through the Reconstruction to twentieth-century lynching and segregation. The panel The Negro in an African Setting shows Douglas at the peak of his powers. It depicts life in Africa before slavery as joyous, proud, and firmly rooted in the community. Aaron Douglas became the first president of the Harlem Artists Guild in 1935. The organization promoted young African American artists and lobbied the Works Progress Administration to provide more opportunities for them. Arts Educator In 1938, Aaron Douglas earned a fellowship from the Rosenwald Foundation, a generous provider of stipends to hundreds of African American artists and writers. The funds allowed him to travel to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the Virgin Islands and create watercolor paintings of life there. Aspects of Negro Life: Song of the Towers (1934). New York Public Library / Public Domain Upon returning to the U.S., Charles S. Johnson, the first African American president of Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, invited Douglas to create the universitys new art department. Aaron Douglas served as head of the art department until his retirement in 1966. President John F. Kennedy invited Aaron Douglas to the White House to participate in ceremonies honoring the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1963. Douglas continued to appear as a guest lecturer after retirement until his death in 1979. Legacy Aspects of Negro Life: From Slavery to Reconstruction (1934). New York Public Library / Public Domain Some consider Aaron Douglas to be the father of black American art. His modernist style laid a framework for the development of art in African American communities. The bold, graphical style of his work is echoed in the work of many artists. Contemporary artist Kara Walker exhibits the influence of Douglass use of silhouettes and paper cut-outs. Source Ater, Renee. Aaron Douglas: African-American Modernist. Yale University Press, 2007.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet - Questions
'Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet' - Questions Published in 2009, this historical fiction novel has been a book club favorite since it was released. Use these book club discussion questions on by Jamie Ford to lead your book club into Fords novel. Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details about Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. Finish the book before reading on. Why do you think Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet was told in flashbacks? What perspective can an older Henry give?How was Henrys relationship with Marty different than his relationship with his father? How was it the same? Even though tradition was important to both men, how did Henry and his father view tradition and heritage differently?Was the information the novel presented about Japanese-American internment new to you? What did you learn?Do you think Henry was right to stay with Ethel even after he found out about his fathers deceit? Should he have searched for Keiko?Do you think Ethel knew what was happening to Henrys letters?If you were Henry, could you forgive your father?What do you think happened after the novel ended?Rank Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford on a scale of 1 to 5.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Orange-To-Black Halloween Clock Reaction
Orange-To-Black Halloween Clock Reaction The Old Nassau or Halloween reaction is a clock reaction in which the color of a chemical solution changes from orange to black. Heres how you can do this reaction as a chemistry demonstration and a look at the chemical reactions that are involved. Halloween Chemical Reaction Materials WaterSoluble starchSodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5)Mercury(II) chloridePotassium iodate (KIO3) Prepare the Solutions Solution A: Mix 4 g soluble starch in a couple milliliters of water. Stir the starch paste into 500 ml boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Add 13.7 g of sodium metabisulphite. Add water to make 1 liter of solution.Solution B: Dissolve 3 g mercury(II) chloride in water. Add water to make 1 liter of solution.Solution C: Dissolve 15 g potassium iodate in water. Add water to make 1 liter of solution. Perform the Halloween Chemistry Demonstration Mix 50 ml solution A with 50 ml of solution B.Pour this mixture into 50 ml of solution C. The color of the mixture will change to an opaque orange color after a few seconds as the mercury iodide precipitates. After another few seconds, the mixture will turn blue-black as the starch-iodine complex forms. If you dilute the solutions by a factor of two then it takes longer for the color changes to occur. If you use a smaller volume of solution B the reaction will proceed more rapidly. Chemical Reactions Sodium metabisulfite and water react to form sodium hydrogen sulfite:Na2S2O5 H2O → 2 NaHSO3 Iodate(V) ions are reduced to iodide ions by the hydrogen sulfite ions:IO3- 3 HSO3- → I- 3 SO42- 3 H When the concentration of iodide ions becomes sufficient for the solubility product of the HgI2 to exceed 4.5 x 10-29 mol3 dm-9, then orange mercury(II) iodide precipitates until the Hg2 ions are consumed (assuming an excess of I- ions):Hg2 2 I- → HgI2 (orange or yellow)If I- and IO3- ions remain, then an iodide-iodate reaction takes place:IO3- 5 I- 6 H → 3 I2 3 H2OThe resulting statch-iodine complex is black to blue-black:I2 starch → a blue/black complex
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Perfect Competition and Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Perfect Competition and Monopoly - Essay Example 1. The size of the firm relative to the market is small. Hence, it has no influence on price. The firm is a price taker. 2. The product is homogeneous meaning to the consumer the product of one seller is same as the product of other seller. 3. There is freedom of entry and exit for each firm. 4. There is free mobility of resources. 5. All the participants in the market have perfect knowledge, meaning that everyone is aware of his benefit, consumer knows prices, and producer knows cost and so on. If even one condition is not fulfilled, the market will not be perfect anymore, it will be imperfect. An extreme case of such imperfection is monopoly. Monopoly is that market in which there is only one seller (or a group of sellers acts as one - cartel) of a commodity that has no close substitute. The seller has complete control of the supply of the commodity and hence is the price maker. We shall now see where the equilibrium of the firm lies and also which conditions are necessary for it. Equilibrium of the firm We shall use the marginal revenue1 and marginal cost2 approach to study the equilibrium of the firm. There are two conditions to this equilibrium: 1. MR = MC 2. Slope of MR < Slope of MC. Price MC P T P MR=AR=P Quantity (output) 0 Z? Z As we can see in the above graph, there are two points where marginal revenue is equal to MC but at Z? if the quantity is increased, the firm is still earning profit. But after Z, the cost of per unit is more than its price. Hence Z is the equilibrium output. The equilibrium can be proved mathematically. Let Z be the output, TR the revenue and TC the cost. Profits are calculated as ? = TR – TC. To maximise the profits we need i.e. MR = MC, and i.e. Slope of MR < Slope of MC. Equilibrium in Perfect Competition and Monopoly in the Long Run As we are trying to see how both markets generate different profits in the long run, we shall assume that the market demand and costs do not change due to entry and exit of a firm from t he industry. Also, to simplify the analysis constant average cost is assumed. These assumptions give us MC = AC and the supply curve for perfect competition is equal to both costs. The equilibrium in perfect competition will be at the point where demand is equal to supply as this is where the price3 will set. The output will be according to this level. At this level price will be equal to MC and AC. In general, we can state the equilibrium in perfect competition as P = AR = MR = MC = AC Where P = Price of the commodity AR = Average Revenue MR = Marginal Revenue MC = Marginal Cost AC = Average Cost4. In case of monopoly the equilibrium will take place where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost and the marginal cost curve cuts marginal revenue from below but there is an additional clause here that states that the marginal revenue will be less than the price. We can see both the equilibriums – for perfect competition and monopoly, in the figure. Comparison of Profit betwee n Perfect Competition & Monopoly The comparison can be seen in the figure above. In perfect competition the price is fixed. Only the output varies and therefore supply curve is horizontal. The equilibrium price for competitive firm is Pc, where MR=MC. But the output level is Qc where MC= AR, meaning supply is equal to demand. For monopoly, the equilibrium position is same, where MR=MC, but the output leve
Transplant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Transplant - Essay Example t patient in the following years through to the 1970’s was poor anti-rejection drugs, which changed by the end of 1970’s when better anti-rejection drugs were developed giving patients up to five years after transplant. The effectiveness of organ transplant improved after that, and its use has augmented over the years. Organ transplantation is referred to as one of the health practices that whose results are often lifesaving. The process involved removal and replacement of a failing or damaged organ in the recipient body and replaced with a fully functioning one (Ethics of Organ Transplantation, 2004). In most occasions, transplantation takes places when the life of the recipient is at stake, and the only hope for survival of the recipient is the replacement of an organ or tissue (Alvaro, Siegel, 2009). Despite its advantages, it is apparent that transplantation has many challenges that may result not only in health complications, but also the loss of life. In relation to this assertion, the paper will expound on the many factors that prevent people from taking part in organ donation. Issues that will be addressed by the paper include the belief that organ donors fail to provide care to their families because of the complications associated with organ donation. In addition, it can cause traumatic disorders, the persistence of donor’s discomfort, in addition to psychological torture experienced after donation of an organ. The heart, lungs, pancreas as well as intestines, kidney and liver are transplantable in humans. The Canadian Medical Association has a specific policy that guides physicians and health care providers to issues regarding organ donation. Organ donors, as well as prospective organ donors, should be provided with relevant, understandable information related to the decision. Occasionally, this involves informing the donor about the benefits as well as risks of transplantation, procedures associated with the determination of death, and testing of
Friday, October 18, 2019
International Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
International Law - Essay Example (Grant, 1999, p. 1) That refers to the notion that declaratory convention seemed to reduce the inconsistency of legal entities to some states and some non states. However, both conventions ignored critical factors and requirements of legal personality. Instructions as to how, as a practical matter, recognition is to be extended can only be analyzed from the doctrines by implication. The doctrines do not take adequate account of the composite character of the state, ignoring that statehood is probably best described as a bundle of rights, obligations, and functions. And neither doctrine directly addresses where recognition falls along the spectrum between law and politics. While highlighting the needs of the International Community, there is no doubt that the Montevideo formula was drawn up at a time when self-determination was not generally recognized as a 'need' in international law, and when the implications of the nascent rule prohibiting the use of force between states had not been worked out. That makes it even odder to debate the statehood of entities such as Palestine in terms of the Convention's hackneyed formula. (Gill & Talmon, 1999, p. 113) Montevideo Convention gives a satisfactory definition of the state ... (Grant, 1999, p. 3) The central implication of this is that whether or not an entity has become a state depends on the actions of existing states. Recognition by others renders an entity a state; non recognition consigns the entity to non-statehood. Though attributes such as possession of territory, stable power over a defined population, and capacity to respect international agreements are elements of statehood, to the convention these are for nothing in the absence of recognition. Recognition perfects statehood and statehood refers to 'personality'. Moreover, extending or withholding recognition is a political act. In the words of Lauterpacht, "the constitutive conception of statehood deduces the legal existence of new States from the will of those already established". (Grant, 1999, p. 3) With reference to the legal personality, when state consent was taken as an essential ingredient to all international legal rules, a theory of recognition was preferred which did not posit principles binding on all states. The convention minimized the role of law in the recognition of states. With its emphasis on the power of states to invest legal personality in other international communities, convention accented the character of states as free political actors. Following from this, convention implied a world arena absent rights or rules. Regarding the situation, George Schwarzenberger proposed, "New entities which may fulfil the requirements of international persons have no right to recognition". (George, 1951) The declaratory conception of state recognition denies that the act of recognition alone imparts legal personality. The declaratory conception detaches statehood from the unilateral and
Freud's Defense Mechanisms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Freud's Defense Mechanisms - Essay Example Freud believed that Ego reacts to the threat of the impulses of Id break in two ways: by blocking the revelation of impulses in conscientious behavior and by their distortion to such an extent that their initial intensity decreases or deviates. The major defense mechanisms are: denial, displacement, intellectualization, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression, suppression, sublimation. All the defense mechanisms have two common characteristics: 1) they act at the unconscious level and so serve as the means of self-deception, and 2) they distort, deny or falsify one’s perception of the reality to make anxiety less threatening for an individual. As a rule, people seldom use only one defense mechanism, usually applying a combination of different mechanisms for the solution of the conflict and reduction of anxiety. Denial, displacement and repression are the three defense mechanisms representing special interest due to their ability to strongly dist ort the reality. In case of denial, an individual argues that the stimulus, provoking his anxiety, doesn’t exist. For instance, a father may deny the painful fact that his daughter is raped and murdered. He would behave as if nothing has happened (which protects him from the devastating grief ad depression). A wife may deny her husband’s unfaithfulness. Or imagine a child denying the death of his favorite cat and persistently continuing to believe that the cat is alive. Denial of reality takes place when people insist: â€Å"This cannot happen to me†, notwithstanding the evidences of the counter. This often occurs when people are informed that they have some mortal disease. According to Freud, denial is mostly common with small children and people of older age with low intellect. On the other hand, mature people with normally developed intellect may resort to it as well when they have traumatic experience. A wonderful example of denial is represented in a short story
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Take a position Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Take a position - Essay Example This paper concludes by giving an international example of a social responsibility that is conducted by renowned Olympics organization which brought about a great change to the society.â€Æ' Athletes are the most visible expression of performance and financial success in the United States. They have an influential power that can bring people from different diversities to come up with amazing strategies in the society. They can allow the people through their various activities related to the society. They should be outspoken because they have even surpassed the Hollywood actors in entertaining. They have to get past athlete’s corporate and personal advisers and think about what is best for the people of their nation. The loyalty to the athlete programs should not be larger than those of the human race. Athletes have to stand up for the human race whose voice has been silenced and whose living are being banished by the policies and orders of the country. It is because they are a public figure. The less unfortunate people in the society are as much important as the athletes themselves, their coaches and also their fans. Athletes have an obligation to struggle for social justice. They should refuse to comply with the rules, regulations and restrictions that discriminate, violates and persecutes human race. They should be ready to sacrifice their luxurious living for the sake of recognition of the people’s rights and better living condition. Despite the critics that they might face in making this decision, they should be sure to stand by what is right and what they believe. Athletes can change lives through social duties. The reason is that athletics has power to bring about strong emotions and encourage health, friendship and respect. They can be able to enable and inspire people with intellectual disability through sports. Sports help them to improve physical fitness, show courage, and be involved in the sharing of gifts; talents
Scenario Machine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Scenario Machine - Essay Example The machine is majorly prosperous in raising internal awareness of the necessity for moving a computer-generated machinery administration. It is additionally responsible for moving the institution to awarding two of my models at a keynote address. Machine deliverables included a clickable model, a design description article, and a research outline. Detailed data and a research summary for the scenario machine and its prototype were provided and made confidential (Proctor & Kim-Phuong 327). Functionality in the high fidelity prototype for my scenarios was closely affiliated with the form of the design by-products. This affiliation will be impartially simple to find out if it has the opportunity of operating as an actual commodity. Objects in interrelation design depend mainly on the production of computer programs. There were numerous easy issues that were difficult or even impossible to crack with algorithms. This prototype and the accompanying models are the single signals to what might be. An unaware audience or users might be simply be fooled to believe it is the actual thing (Proctor & Kim-Phuong 328). The contrast amid low and high-fidelity prototyping is too unsophisticated to define the variety techniques being used currently. In my scenario machine, fidelity conflates five orthogonal sides being currently utilized. The level of visual modification had to be hand-sketched drawings and line edges against pixel-precise display models. The functional width and gravity represented the only success situations or tiring exposure and mistake situations (Proctor & Kim-Phuong 328). The productivity of the interaction involved paper page turning against wholly interactive, clickable linkages. Richness of data models are simply easy situations against the complications of real information and simple algorithms. In a similar manner, developments in â€Å"back stage†technology enable the simple creation of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Take a position Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Take a position - Essay Example This paper concludes by giving an international example of a social responsibility that is conducted by renowned Olympics organization which brought about a great change to the society.â€Æ' Athletes are the most visible expression of performance and financial success in the United States. They have an influential power that can bring people from different diversities to come up with amazing strategies in the society. They can allow the people through their various activities related to the society. They should be outspoken because they have even surpassed the Hollywood actors in entertaining. They have to get past athlete’s corporate and personal advisers and think about what is best for the people of their nation. The loyalty to the athlete programs should not be larger than those of the human race. Athletes have to stand up for the human race whose voice has been silenced and whose living are being banished by the policies and orders of the country. It is because they are a public figure. The less unfortunate people in the society are as much important as the athletes themselves, their coaches and also their fans. Athletes have an obligation to struggle for social justice. They should refuse to comply with the rules, regulations and restrictions that discriminate, violates and persecutes human race. They should be ready to sacrifice their luxurious living for the sake of recognition of the people’s rights and better living condition. Despite the critics that they might face in making this decision, they should be sure to stand by what is right and what they believe. Athletes can change lives through social duties. The reason is that athletics has power to bring about strong emotions and encourage health, friendship and respect. They can be able to enable and inspire people with intellectual disability through sports. Sports help them to improve physical fitness, show courage, and be involved in the sharing of gifts; talents
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
2 to 3 page Bible College Administrative Report to be done in APA Essay
2 to 3 page Bible College Administrative Report to be done in APA Format - Essay Example Although established only in 1992, it has a combined instructional history of 130 years (Rocky Mountain College, 2009a, p. 5). RMC offers 2 one-year certificates on Christian Discipleship, 3 two-year diplomas (Christian Leadership, Global Studies & Theatre Arts), a three-year degree on Religious Studies, and 4 four-year degree programs on Human Services, Leadership Development, Music & Theology (Rocky Mountain College, 2009a, p. 22). Founded in 1992 through the cooperation of Lithuanian, Canadian and American foundations, LCC is based in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Its aim is to produce Christian professionals who will actively participate in community projects (LCC, 2009a). LCC offers four undergraduate courses (Business Administration, English Language and Literature, Psychology and Theology) and a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (LCC, 2009c). Although LCC operates in several countries as a nonprofit organization, it is generally governed by an independent Board of Directors, which is composed of members from North America and Lithuania (LCC, 2009b). It can be seen through the chart above how bible colleges, depending on their size and the breadth of the courses they offer, differ when it comes to governance and organizational structure. While their similarities are obvious, their differences are indistinct and needs a closer look. It must be noted, however, that the exact nature of two out of the three Christian Colleges studied here do not present complete data regarding the hierarchy of power and accountability. Thus, this comparative analysis is based on the available data and the inferences that can be drawn from them. Liberty University is governed primarily by the Chancellor and the President of the Board of Trustees, which is the same person. He is also the son of the founder and the President of the Board of Trustees Committees. Even though managing this large
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sun Network - Kalanidhi Maran Essay Example for Free
Sun Network Kalanidhi Maran Essay I welcome you to my presentation on India’s media baron also known as the sunshine boy of india, yes i am here to deliver a small presentation on Mr Kalanidhi Maran. ,founder , Chairman and the ex managing director of Sun Networks. Sun network is considered as The most profitable broadcaster in Asia and the largest satellite tv network in india. Before i could present the different businesses that function under the parent company Sun Network i would like to share the early life and family back ground of Mr Kalanithi Maran. Born on July 24th 1964 in one of the most powerful political family in tamil nadu. He is none other than the grand nephew of the former chief minister of tamil nadu Dr Karunanidhi , president of DMKparty, Kalanithi maran’s father Murasoli Maran , ex Union minister for commerce . Kalanidhi’s brother is also a well known face in the Indian politics, former union minister for information technology and communication and textile ministry Mr dhayanidhi maran. Born in such an influential family helped him to pursue his education in some of the best institutions. He did his schooling in Egmore Don bosco Chennai After which he went on to Loyola College Chennai where he was elected as the student chairman and is still remembered for leading an agitation on the evils faced by the tamilians living in Srilanka. He also received his MBA from University of Scranton, Pennsylvania USA. He started his career in late 80’s with a weekly tamil magazine named †Kunkumam†which was owned by his father murasoli maran. He worked with kunkumam where he learnt the advantages and scope for media in India. In 1990 at the age of 26 he started his own monthly video newsmagazine named poomalai which was circulated among the tamils in india and abroad. Here he realised the acceptance of video format in magazines but this business failed ,because of the piracy problem that prevailed thus prompting him to start a television channel. Kalanidhi maran realised the difficulties in starting a tv channel directly so he wanted to learn the nuances of the game before venturing into the business so for the first time he approached zee tv with the idea of airing 3 hours of tamil shows which was rejected straight away and later on accepted by ATN channel. But Kalanidhi’s aim was to start a 24 hour tv channel. On April 14th 1993 Sun TV was born with an investment of 20 Lakhs by availing a bank loan. Expanded its operations to a 24 hour tv channel in tamil telugu kannada Malayalam and Bengali languages nd thus sun network was born . Kalanidhis brand of leadership is marked by innovation and staying several steps ahead of competition. At a time when news programming was considered a non-revenue-generating obligation, his was the first private channel in the country to telecast a Daily News Bulletin. The phenomenal success of Sun TVs News, rewrote viewership and advertising projections. Today, Sun TV is also the first channel in the country to set up its own earth station.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Girl Named Lisa :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay
A Girl Named Lisa I was working in the seafood department one day when I saw them...well, her actually. I wondered what her name was. She was about 13 or 14 years old, maybe a bit more, but certainly not old enough to drive yet, or maybe she was. She was with her family, I, I assume. Her father (I assume) was the big guy with a red sash on his waist and a jacket with a yin-yang patch on the front right side of it and it was black. The jacket, I mean. Her mother (I assume) was there too, and...I don't remember anything at all about her. There was another kid there, younger than her, and I assumed it was her brother. She was beautiful. Not in the gorgeous model way or the cute puppy way but in the sort of beauty that just is, Plato's beauty, you know? And I don't know why or how but when I saw her I got a feeling like when you know something's going to happen but you don't know what but you can just tell but it wasn't love. Sorta like butterflies but higher and stronger. Maybe butterflies on steroids. And the feeling stayed, sort of an anticipation. And she went away and I went to work, but I happened to look across the store towards the milk, and she was there. And she looked at me. No, not at me. It was like. . .like when you're driving over a familiar stretch of road and you know it so well that you just stare straight ahead and almost forget you're driving. It was like she knew me. It was like she was me. And then she turned down the cookie aisle and was gone. It had been over a year, and I still hadn't seen her in the store. I honestly didn't know what I'd say if I saw her, but I tried to imagine it. I saw her father (I assume) every week in the store, the same red sash, the same yin-yang jacket, as he bought fruit and eggs and bread and beer and toilet paper. But he never bought fish. And I never said anything to him, and he never noticed me or said Hi. But she noticed me. She knew me. And one day, I knew she would be in the store again, and I would see her standing by the milk, and she would see me standing by the frozen fish.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Dumping of Steel Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Dumping of Steel INTRODUCTION Foreign steel producers plague the U.S. steel industry with unfair competitive practices. This practice is referred to as "dumping". Dumping of foreign steel has been a problem throughout the history of the U.S. steel industry. In the 1990s dumping has become more of a problem, due to the breakdown of the Russian economy and its transition from Capitalism to a free-market economy. According to Microsoft Encarta 98 (1998), Free-Market Economy, is an economic system in which individuals, rather than government, make the majority of decisions regarding economic activities and transactions. In addition, the Asian financial crisis has led to another round of dumping into the U.S. markets by many Asian countries. The effects of dumping have a positive as well as a negative impact on the health of the overall U.S. economy. On the positive side, steel-using industries enjoy lower prices for steel used in the manufacture of their products. Turning to the negative side, the U.S. steel industry has suffered tremendously through layoffs and a collapse of a number of steel makers. Should the U.S. Government provide protection against dumping? The debate on protectionism has gone on for years. Protection of one industry by the U.S. Government has come at the cost of another including the U.S. consumer. BREIF HISTORY OF THE STEEL INDUSTRY The steel industry grew out of the need for stronger and more easily produced metals. During the last half of the 19th century, many technological advances in steelmaking played an important role in creating modern economies. These economies depended on the steel industry to supply rails, autos, girders, bridges, and many other steel products. Iron making can be traced as far back as 3,500 b.c. in Armenia. The Bessemer process, created independently by Henry Bessemer in England and William Kelly in the United States during the 1850s, allowed the mass production of low-cost steel; the open hearth process, first introduced in the United States in 1888, made it easier to use domestic iron ores. By the 1880s, the growing demand for steel rails made the United States the world's largest producer. The open-hearth process dominated the steel industry between 1910 and 1960, when it converted to the oxygen process, which produces steel faster, and the electric furnace process, which ma. .. ...ll suffer. Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service pK5688 [online] Available: Electronic Collection: A53242589. (2000, January 31). Grow, R. J. (April 1998). Asian storm clouds hover over U.S. steelmakers. New Steel v14 n4 p108. [online] Available: Electronic Collection: A20772048 (2000, January 31). Kelly, N. E. (June 3,1999). US steel industry targets 12 for dumping cold-rolled. American Metal Market v107 i106 p1. [online] Available: Electronic Collection: A54826127 (2000, January 31). Morrissey, B. (May 3, 1999). Protectionist clouds on the horizon. Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service pK5956 [online] Available: Electronic Collection: A54535315. (2000, January 31). Robertson, S. (November 17 1998). Mills said to get dumped steel. American Metal Market p1. [online] Available: Electronic Collection: A53251895 Steel industry. (1993). The Columbia Encyclopedia (Edition 5, 1993 p.35209). [Online]. Available: Electronic Collection: A17561597. (2000, January 30).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Tacitus Germania and Women
Germania, written by the Roman Cornelius Tacitus in 98 A. D, is a historical work on the warlike Germanic tribes located north of the Danube and the Rhine rivers. Anthropology is the study of societies, cultures, and origins of human races. In Germania, Tacitus describes the inhabitants, customs, and society of these Germanic tribes giving valuable anthropological insight. Tacitus specifically describes the role women held in these early Germanic societies.Germania is anthropologically insightful of Germanic women by showing the high regard the Germanic tribes held toward women; evidenced through the women's influence on wars, their role in society, and the Germanic marriage customs. Cornelius Tacitus was born in 56 A. D in the area of southern Gaul. By the year 75 he lived in Rome training as an orator. A year later he married the daughter of the consul Julius Agricola. In later years he wrote a biography of Julius Agricola. He eventually took up a career in politics rising from sen ator all the way up to the consulship in 97.After the consulship he continued with his political career as proconsul of Asia but began to write historical works as well. Some of Tacitus' major works include Agricola written in 97-8, Germania written in 98, The Histories, recording Roman history from 69 to 96, and The Annals, recording the history from 14 to 68. Tacitus is known as one of the greatest historians and prose stylists who wrote in Latin. His works The Histories and The Annals are among the masterpieces of Latin literature. Little evidence exists of Tacitus later life or the date of his death. 1Germania is split into 46 chapters or sections. Each one focuses on a different aspect of Germanic life and society. The book begins with a description of the geography of Germania with its boundaries of rivers, mountains, and the ocean. Tacitus then continues to describe the people themselves as a race â€Å"little affected by immigration†(37) because of their geography. T he name ‘Germania' came from the first people to cross the Rhine and defeat the Gauls. The inhabitants took the name Germani in honor of the conquerors and the terror they brought with them.Tacitus gives descriptions of the Germani's religion, warlike society, home life, government, and the specific Germanic tribes or groups. With regards to religion, the Germani have many gods. Their most important god is Mercury. The Germani were known to give human sacrifices to appease Mercury at times. Other gods such as Hercules and Mars merely required animal sacrifices. The Germani are a very warlike society. Tacitus describes in detail their national war song to the gods sung before and during battle with a deep throaty roar. In the words of Tacitus, â€Å"The Germani have no taste for peace†(41). They are a culture of war.This warlike culture effects the home life and government of the Germani. Marriage is an important institution for the Germani and is highly revered. Tac itus cites that the women are in fact one of the men's greatest motivations for success in war. Though their kings are chosen by noble birth, they choose leaders for their valor. Neither the leaders nor the kings, however, have absolute power. Tacitus expounds upon all these aspects of Germani society in great detail. To conclude Germania Tacitus describes the specific practices of more than 20 individual nations and tribes within the area of Germania.The first evidence Germania gives of the Germani's high regard for women is apparent through the women's influence on the men during war. The women encouraged the men during war and had a great power to motivate the men. Tacitus explains how the women and children were the dearest possessions of the men and continues to say, â€Å"†¦ to them he looks for his highest praise. The men take their wounds to their mothers and wives, who are not afraid of counting and examining the blows, and bring food and encouragement to those fighti ng†(38).The women are taking a very active role in war through caring for the men. The men do not take this for granted, this is their greatest motivation. Tacitus explains more fully the women's ability to motivate the men, â€Å"Tradition has it that armies wavering and even on the point of collapse have been restored by the steadfast pleas of the women, who bared their breasts and described how close they were to enslavement – a fate that the men fear more keenly for their women than for themselves†(38).The women had such a strong power to motivate the men that they could restore the strength of a failing army. The Germani's high regard of women is evident by the women's ability to motivate and encourage the men during war. The thoughts and opinions of Germani women were regarded highly giving them a valuable role in society. Tacitus explains, â€Å"†¦ they believe that there resides in women something holy and prophetic, and so do not scorn their advi ce or disregard their replies†(39).Many societies, especially during this time, believed women to be incapable of intelligent reasoning. The Germani, however, believe women have something holy or prophetic within them. This caused the men to listen to the advice and opinions of the women rather than toss them aside as ignorant. This role of women, possessing something holy and sharing advice, shows a high regard for women in Germanic society. Lastly, the respect and honor shown to women through the Germanic marriage customs show a high regard for women.Tacitus praises the Germani's strict view of marriage. Tacitus describes their marriage customs, â€Å"They are almost unique among barbarians in being satisfied with one wife each†¦ The dowry is brought not by wife to husband, but by husband to wife. Parents and kinsmen attend and approve the gifts, gifts not chosen to please a woman's whim or gaily deck a young bride, but oxen, a horse with reins, a shield with spear an d sword†(43). By each man taking one woman for life the Germani demonstrate a value of women as more than property.The most unique and remarkable custom though regards the dowry. In most cultures the dowry is the gifts and inheritance the bride has to offer the groom. With the Germani, however, this is reversed. Instead the man must bring a dowry to offer the bride. The dowry is not made up of frivolous items for the bride to enjoy but practical items for living. This custom shows the brides worth and honor and demonstrates the Germani's view of women as being valuable and intelligent. The women of Germania are not pushed aside or placed at the bottom of Germanic society.Instead, they motivate the men in war renewing their strength when they are weary. The men value the women enough to place their safety above their lives in battle. The Germani believe the women to have something holy within them, so the men listen to them and do not disregard there advice. Finally, the men d o not trade women as possessions but honor them with a dowry and stay true to one woman in marriage. These anthropological insights of Germanic women described in Germania show the Germanic people held women in high regard in their culture and society.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Lack of Proper Discipline
They are everywhere, in the malls, the grocery store, airports and even public parks. The nation is being over run by spoiled screaming children, who know if they scream loudly enough their parents will give in and give them their way just to keep them quiet. The reason children are allowed to behave this way is because parents fear they will be charged with abuse if they speak harshly or dare spank a child. Innocent parents are constantly being reported to the child protective workers for simply spanking children with their hands or picking up a squirming hard to hold onto child and removing them from a store. The witness assumes that because the child is making all manners of noise the parent is causing them harm.  Once protective services are called, the children can tell any type of horror story they want to make up and the workers will automatically believe them, because they could not imagine that children could lie. The children have learned this and know that a parent will never discipline them in public places, therefore the child causes scenes in public places to control the parent. There is and should be a limit to the amount of discipline a parent can inflict upon children and child abusers should be punished. No parent who intentionally inflicts injuries such as cigarette burns or broken bones to a child should continue to be allowed to raise their children. The problem is however, that the child abuse laws have become strict to the point that normal caring parents do not dare to set limits for children for fear of losing their children. Many people every year have their children removed from their homes at least temporarily due to mistaken reports and children telling stories to turn innocent disciplinary practices into reports of child abuse. This fear has led parents to allow children to control them, children who grow believing they can get away with breaking laws as they did parental rules, and a society of people filled with disrespectful people. In past generations, parents disciplined children when they misbehaved, thus teaching the children to follow the parent’s rules and to obey what they told them. Unfortunately, during those generations parents sometimes went to the extremes with discipline to the point that the children were injured and actual abuse sometimes occurred. Due to this abuse, laws were created to protect the children. These laws were important and well intentioned. However, because of the laws, parental disciplinary practices were forced to go from parents being allowed to do whatever they needed to in order to make their children behave to being reported for child abuse if they even speak harshly to their children. There should be some middle ground. Parents still need to be able to make their children mind within reason (spanking with hand, scolding, and physically removing from places or situations). Children in current society know that their parents are afraid to spank or in most cases even scold them especially in public. For this reason the children throw temper tantrums in the malls if the parents tell them they do not need the expensive toy they want. The parents could continue to say no and the child would then continue to argue until the frustrated parent gives in and gets them the toy. The same thing happens in the grocery store for the best snack and in the park when the child refuses to go home when the parent tells them it is time to go. This allows the child to be in control of the parent rather than the parent in control of the child. Because these children learn that they do not have to listen to or obey their parents, they grow up with the belief that they do not have to listen to anyone. This leads them to take advantage of other people and make decisions based only upon the advantages that can be gained for themselves regardless of the effects these decisions may have on others. This complete disregard of rules often includes such things as the law. If they as teenagers or sometimes even adults see something in a store they want, they may be very inclined to take it. They have never been taught that they have to earn things and they can not just take what they want, therefore they feel entitled to take anything they want any time they want it. They are more likely to cause harm to people who attempt to keep them from achieving their goals or cheat others out of opportunities. This has helped lead to the increased crime rate in the country. Crimes such as shoplifting, assault and in some cases even murder come as a result of spoiled undisciplined children growing into spoiled undisciplined adults. In the generations when children were still disciplined for not listening to parents, children were taught to respect their elders and other people as well as rules. The children of the modern generation learn to respect no one and nothing, because they have no rules to follow. They simply learn that no means they simply need to throw a bigger fit or do whatever else they need to do in order to get their way. As adults, these people yell at others and call other people names any time they want to for no reason. They push and shove their way to the front of lines even if it means stepping on all of the people in front of them. By taking away the rights of parents to teach their children to be respectful of others, society is creating a whole group of people who do not care about anyone. This is the society where people run over and trample each other in malls to get the last hot children’s toy in the store before Christmas. Stampedes like those of frightened cattle herds leave people injured or even dead, when large groups of people all try to enter popular events or exit buildings in a hurry. Once people would stop to assist others, but now if someone falls down, the others simply step over or on them and go on. It is sad to discover that laws designed to protect children have effectively led to an entire society of people who do not care about anyone but themselves. The laws were needed, but some people have said that violence leads to violence and therefore children should never be subjected to physical discipline. While it is true that extreme and unnecessary punishment is abusive and may lead children to imitate violence later, there is a middle ground between the two extremes. A swat from a parent’s hand on the seat of the pants does little more than embarrass the child in public. This would lead the child to be less likely to throw screaming tantrums in public, which embarrass the well intentioned parents who did nothing more than choose to take their children out into public with them. Children who are raised with some degree of discipline and well defined rules that are followed through with, grow up to be much more well-rounded, respectful and realistic adults. If a child is allowed to raise a parent instead of providing the parents the right to raise the child, then the crime rate will continue to rise and people will become increasingly more disrespectful. People have begun to look at hand outs and even luxuries as entitlements rather than things that should be strived for and earned. These declines in society are caused by over zealous people, who as well intentioned as the may have been have taken away all leverage parents once had to teach their children that rules are made for a reason and the word â€Å"no†actually means no not â€Å"scream louder†. Most people who become parents take the first look at the helpless new life and want to give the child the whole world. They do not wish to inflict harm or create hardship for the child in any way. They do however want that child to grow into a happy healthy, well adjusted adult. In order to be a well-adjusted adult, the person needs to respect laws, rules and other people. No one learns this automatically, it has to be taught, and the parents, who want the world for their children should have the right to teach this. They need to be able to set limits and follow through with discipline. Loving parents who care for their children should not have to live in fear that if they discipline their children in order to teach them to respect rules and people, they will lose their children forever. There should be more specific guidelines as to what constitutes abuse and it there should be more evidence to substantiate it rather than just taking the child’s word that Daddy hit me for a child to be removed from a home. In addition to this parents need to be informed as to what these guidelines are in order to insure they are operating within the limits of the laws. Although the days in which children should be seen and not heard are gone forever, the entire mall should not be subjected to hearing a child simply because the parent is afraid to discipline him. Lack of Proper Discipline They are everywhere, malls, grocery store, airports and even public places. Running screaming as loud as they can where everyone can hear them. So that their parents will give in to them just to keep them quiet. The reason why the children behaved this way is that the children knows their rights. Parents are anxious to reprimand their children or even punish their children in a certain way, otherwise, they will be charged with child abuse. Innocent parents are the one being reported to the child protected workers for spanking their children with their hands or just picking up a  squirming hard onto the child and removing them from any public places.And if the observer assumes that that the child is making noise they think and conclude that the parents is causing them harm, then call the protective services. Children can tell stories that can get the sympathy of the workers just like telling a horror movie. The service workers will entirely believe in the heartbreaking story of the children, because little children doesn’t know how to fabricate stories and that they don’t tell a lie. Children knows that there is a law that the parents cannot reprimand or hurt them in public places as a result, the children will make scenes especially in public place. They are the ones who are abusing their parents.There should be a boundary to the amount of discipline a parent can impose upon their children. Child abusers should be punished. No such parents who physically or emotionally abuse their children are allowed to raise them. However, the real problem is children abuse their rights to the point that normal caring parents do not dare to set limits in fear of losing their children.Every year, many children are temporarily removed from their homes due to mistaken reports and children telling stories to turn innocent parents to disciplinary actions in child abuse. This fear has led the parents to allow their children in control. Children who grew believing they can get away breaking laws as they did parental rules.  The society is full of discourteous people.In the past, parents reprimand their children when they misbehave implementing rules to follow and obey them. Unfortunately, during the past parents seem to discipline their children to the point that actual abuse occurred. Appropriate to this abuse, laws were created and implemented to protect the rights of the children. However, due to the laws, parents are forced not to take disciplinary actions for their children. They are not allowed to do what they ought to do in order to discipline them. There should be some focal points on this. Parents should be able to discipline their children at some points. In this generation, children know that parents are afraid to spank or scold them most especially in public places.Children take advantage of this by showing tantrums, refusing to listen to what parents say, ignoring them can b e a lot of trouble also to the parents. This behavior allows the child to be in control of their parents rather than the latter. Parents are more likely to feel manipulated by this kind of behavior They do not have to listen or obey because they can get what they want.  The last few decades have shown a rise of disobedience along with violence among children. and adolescents.This child learns that they don’t have to listen to anyone but themselves This children will grow up into spoiled, disrespectful adults and turn into a menace of the society. They do not listen to anyone, they believe in themselves and so they will break the law just to get what they want just like when they were still little children.Before, when children are well disciplined by their parents, they were taught to respect the elders and other people, as well as the law unlike in this modern generation now. In taking away, the rights of the parents in implementing their own disciplinary actions to c hildren, the society now is full of people that don’t care about anyone or anybody. They only think of themselves only. It is sad to know that the laws designed for the protection of the children were abused and used by the children. . This laws are good if you use it for the better and not exploit it.. While it is true that extreme and pointless punishments is rude and make children to imitate violence later, there is a focal point between the two extremes.If we look at it the other way, children will raise parents according to their manner as spoiled brats, discourteous individuals what will happen to the society? In reality, when an individual become a parent, most likely they do not want to inflict harm to their helpless child. They want to give the child the best of everything. Hence, protecting them from harm, showering them with love and affection. They want that child to grow up into a happy, healthy, well adjusted and good mannered adult.Parents should set limits, di scipline and teach their children about the rules and the law. They should inculcate the young minds with the rules and train them in a nice way so that when they grow up they will not depart from it. Parents should not be afraid in doing so. There are specific guidelines in constituting abuse. It is sad to realize that the laws was designed to protect the children but there is no result on the whole society because if we cannot discipline our children when they are still young, they will be more violence in the future they always think that they are always right.This is not in general but most children go in the wrong path in the future if they don’t know what discipline is. In the early generations children were closely controlled and monitored by their parents and they were trained how to respect for their elders and other people as well as they are the rulers. There’s a big difference between children born yesterday than today. Most modern children don’t kno w what respect is they have their own set of laws and one of their rules is parents should follow their set of laws. They don’t even call their parents as mom and dad, they only call them by names, not only their parents but for their sisters and brothers and even their elderly.They press on their way to the front of lines even if it means stepping on all of the people in front of them. They don’t care if other peoples hurt or not as long as they know that they are content of what they doing. Captivating away the rights of parents to teach their children to be deferential to others. But new society is creating an entire group of people who do not care about the right of a parent.A society where people run over and squash each other in malls to get the last hot children’s toy in the store before Christmas. Stampedes like those who are like a scared farm animal’s leave people hurt or even dead when huge groups of people all try to enter popular events or ex it buildings in a hurry. It’s so depressing to discover that laws wished-for to protect children have effectively led to an entire society who do not care about anyone but themselves. The laws were considered essential, but some people have said that violence leads to violence and therefore children should never be subjected to corporeal discipline.Research shows that although, love is the crucial basis on a child’s moral and civilized character is build, it is not enough. Parental discipline is extremely vital in helping a child to develop moral and civilized character.Work CitedBartkowski, John P. and W. Bradford Wilcox. â€Å"Conservative Protestant Child Discipline:The Case of Parental Yelling.†Social Forces. 79.1 (2000): 265-90.Baumrind, Diana. â€Å"The Discipline Controversy Revisited.†Family Relations. 45.4 (1996): 405-14Dowshen, Steven A., Neil Izenberg and Elizabeth R. Bass. The Kidshealth Guide forParents: Pregnancy to Age 5. Chicago, IL: McG raw-Hill Professional, 2002.Erlanger, Howard S. â€Å"Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing: AReassessment.†American Sociological Review. 39.1 (1974): 68-85.Flynn, Clifton P. â€Å"Regional Differences in Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment.†Journalof Marriage and the Family. 56.2 (1994): 314-24.Giles-Sims, Jean, Murray A. Straus and David B. Sugarman. â€Å"Child, Maternal and Family Characteristics Associated with Spanking.†   Family Relations. 44.2 (1985): 170-176.Herzberger, Sharon D. and Howard Tennen. â€Å"The Effect of Self-Relevance on Judgments of Moderate and Severe Disciplinary Encounters.†Journal of Marriage and the Family.47.2 (1985): 311-18.Holden, George W., Pamela C. Miller and Susan D. Harris. â€Å"The Instrumental Side ofCorporal Punishment: Parents’ Reported Practices and Outcome Expectancies.†Journal of Marriage and the Family. 61.4 (1999): 908-19.Larzelere, Robert E. and Jack A. Merenda. â €Å"The Effectiveness of Parental Discipline forToddler Misbehavior at Different Levels of Child Distress.†Family Relations. 43.4(1994): 480-88.Larzelere, Robert E., Paul R. Sather, William N. Schneider, David B. Larson and Patricia L. Pike. â€Å"Punishment Enhances Reasoning’s Effectiveness as a Disciplinary Response to Toddlers.†Journal of Marriage and the Family. 60.2 (1998): 388-403.Pearson, Linda Joan and L. A. Stamford. The Discipline Miracle: The Clinically ProvenSystem for Raising Happy, Healthy and Well-behaved Kids. New York: AMACOM Books, 2006.Szalay, Lorand B., Jean Bryson Strohl and Kathleen T. Doherty. Psychological Forces in Substance Abuse Prevention. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Post Facto Research
1. What is the meaning of research? There are various definitions of research. According to John . W. Best, research is a systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories and concepts, resulting in prediction for seeing and possibly ultimate control of events. On the other hand, Clifford Woody defined research as a careful enquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation to ascertain something. Furthermore, Mouley defined research as a process of arriving at dependable solution to the problems through the planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. According to Martyn Shuttleworth (Oct 3, 2008), in the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Kothari (2002) described research as a systematic investigation to find solution to a problem. 2. What is the importance of research? Research is very much beneficial to everyone in the society. According to Ayesha Afsar, research is important because it gives direction to deal with a specific problem. Whether the problem is thoroughly solved or not is not the forte of the research work. Accumulating amicable and all the possible solutions hypothetically are in itself considered a commendable achievement. Moreover, as stated by Michelle Lowe, research can help us to explore education and the education process. It can help us to answer questions about learning and teaching. Prince Samuels also added that research is very vital to our everyday decision making. It arms us from wrong information and save time and money. It is important to our success as we take on life's challenges and career decisions making. Furthermore, Joe Gilbert stated that research is important when conducted correctly because it helps us to understand and possibly even solve existing or possible problems in the world. This could be anything from social issues to medical breakthroughs. Governments carry out research all of the time in order to come to conclusions about policies and strategies. They will often choose experts in the particular field to go out and carry out in-depth research to help them out. Without this research and knowledge, it would be difficult to make a change in the world. It would also mean that changes wouldn't be fully considered which could result in bigger problems in the long run. 3. What are the kinds of research? As emphasized by C. R. Kothari, the following are the different kinds of research: Basic Research deals with the formulation of theory; gathering knowledge for knowledge’s sake is ‘pure’ or ‘basic’ research; pure research is â€Å"research made without any idea of application to industrial matters but solely with the view of extending our knowledge of the Laws of Nature. †* Applied {action} Research focuses at finding a solution for immediate problem; helps in discovering a solution for some pressing practical problem; is the application of knowledge from one or more natural scientific fields [pure research] to solving practical problems Descriptive/ex post facto research includes survey facts finding inquires it focuses on two aspects: {a}What has happened? {b}What is happening? * Correlational research attempts to discover or establish the existence of a relationship/ interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation. * Explanatory research attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or more aspects or a phenomenon. Exploratory research is undertaken to explore an area where a little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study {feasibility/ pilot study}. It is the development of hypothesis rather than their testing. Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies Historical research is the type of research that examines past events or combinations of events to arrive at an account of what has happened in the past. * Experimental research is defined essentially as research in which the causal (independent) variable(s) can be manipulated in order to change an effect Because of this element of manipulation, researchers in using experimental methods are expected to maintain a good degree of control throughout the period of the study to establish with confidence that cause and effect occurred. (Dr. Anthony G. Picciano) * Constructive research is mainly done by many technological corporates in order to find new/alternative solutions to any particular crisis or problems. For example-renewable energy research or development of the capacity of optical fiber may fall into this category of research. * Empirical research is very impressive observational type of research, where one observes or test on real-life data or analysis the pattern of some specific events in order to identify the nature or the class of trend that specific phenomenon maintains. Based on the test result, researchers try to draw lines in order to predict the result of that type of incidents with certain level of confidence. 4. What are the characteristics of research? According to Ranjit Kumar, the following are the characteristics of research: * Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher. * Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles. * Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study. * Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. * Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures. * Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
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