Sunday, September 15, 2019
Nostra Aetate
Years ago, a man was crucified for saying he was God’s Son. His name was Jesus Christ. Those who followed his teachings were named Christians; and Christians soon resented Jews for their sinful act. This tension between Christians and Jews lead to increasing hatred for one another. Not too long ago, anti-Semitism was common. Anti-Semitism led to the death of an entire population during the Holocaust. Luckily, the church has taken measures to rectify this anti-semitism with the publication of Nostra Aetate.In 1965, the Vatican II Council completely transformed the church’s policies and theology with this document. Nostra Aetate signifies â€Å"In Our Time. †Indeed, in our time, the ill sentiments towards Jews have changed tremendously. Nostra Aetate is a unifying document that has not only led to peaceful coexistence of the Catholic and Judaic faith but also understanding of many other faiths. Ultimately, it has enabled the education of Catholicism in universitie s, as well as in organizations. From the beginning of time, men have had continuous arguments over religion.Religion has been the greatest source of disagreement between cultures. Even the foundation of America was built on religious freedom, as Puritans from Great Britain came to the United States to practice their religion freely. The biggest religious disagreement, however, has been between the Catholics and the Jews. Section four of Nostra Aetate is the most important section of the entire document. It reaffirms the religious bond shared by Jews and Catholics, talks about the eternal covenant between God and the People of Israel, and disproves the church’s desire to baptize Jews..This document states, â€Å"Humanity forms but one community. This is so because all stem from the one stock which God created to people the entire earth (see Acts 17:26), and also because all share a common destiny, namely God. †Nostra Aetate acknowledges that the religions of Judaism an d Christianity believe in a sole higher being, God, which unifies them. Nostra Aetate made it possible for Catholics and Jews to coexist, and promoted the acceptance of each other’s faith. There is a sense of unity that this document possesses. It promotes dialogue with all other world religions.The Catholic Church took a stand in writing Nostra Aetate, and urged, â€Å"its sons and daughters to enter with prudence and charity into discussion and collaboration with members of other religions. †Moreover, Nostra Aetate is significant to theology because it has led to the increasing teachings of Catholicism worldwide. If applied, to this course, for example, the title of this course is the Religious Quest. Quest is defined as â€Å"an act or instance of seeking. †In a way, through Nostra Aetate, the Catholic Church was searching for understanding and resolution.At Boston College, one of the course requirements is theology. A reason for this may be due to Nostra A etate; it has made understanding other religions a priority to many institutions all over the world. Understanding each other’s religions could dissipate many of the foolish arguments that occur daily. The most misunderstood religious group at this moment is Islam. At Boston College, however, we can take a theology class focused on Islam, or Africism or any religion. We are given the chance to go on a â€Å"quest,†and to learn about any religion we want.A big reason for this is due in large part to Nostra Aetate. Nostra Aetate in that sense brings everyone together. Nostra Aetate made religious awareness more accessible, as various committees were created such as Nostra Aetate foundation, founded in 1990. Its purpose is described as â€Å"The purpose of the chair is to promote the understanding of religious, ethical and cultural values in national societies and in international relations, especially transatlantic relations. †Furthermore, Nostra Aetate also all owed the creation of a committee, named a Muslim-Catholic Liason Committee.This committee promotes the communication between Muslims and Catholic, and meets once a year to study together. They pick a theme from the point of view of the two religions, and â€Å"discuss the current situation of relations between Christians and Muslims. †They also try to identify where tensions and conflicts occur between the two groups. Such behavior, was uncommon prior to Nostra Aetate. It is unbelievable that these two groups can come together to not only discuss their issues but to an end to them. Nostra Aetate has been revolutionary in the changes regarding religious relations.Organizations have been formed for the sole purpose of educating people on religion. Universities make religious classes mandatory. Nostra Aetate is also important because the Catholic Church sets an example for all of its followers. If the Church accepts all religions, then maybe all Catholics will start to feel the same. Nostra Aetate has of course not destroyed all unwelcoming feelings towards religions, but it has at least decreased the criticisms. It has surely been a momentary document â€Å"in our time. †| |Works Cited Akasheh, Khaled. Nostra Aetate: 40 Years Later. †New Home Page Navigation Top. 28 June 2006. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <http://www. ewtn. com/library/CHISTORY/chrstnsmslms. HTM>. Kasper, Walter C. â€Å"Welcome to the Vatican's Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate. †Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations. 25 Oct. 2005. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <http://www. ccjr. us/dialogika-resources/documents-and-statements/roman-catholic/kasper/654-wk05oct27>. Telenet Service. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <http://users. telenet. be/mb10366/>.
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