Thursday, August 27, 2020
Victors and Victims Essay Example for Free
Victors and Victims Essay â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is an English short story composed by Kate Chopin. Chopin was broadly perceived as one of the main essayists of her time and she is currently considered by some to have harbinger of women's activist writers of the twentieth century. The second short story entitled â€Å"Clever Manka†which is written in Czechoslovakian language and made an interpretation of in to English. Despite the fact that it is mysterious, â€Å"Clever Manka†is a significant short story and the way that it remains shows that it has influenced numerous individuals at various occasions. The both short stories have two totally various structures. The essayist of â€Å"Clever Manka†utilized the informative technique as the occasions begins from the earliest starting point, when the circumstance was steady and he presents the characters, and afterward going up in the occasions. Inverse to â€Å"The story of an Hour†, it starts in the occasions. At that point we have streak back method through which we are aware of the considerable number of occasions that occur previously. Look more:â the story of an hour scholarly investigation article â€Å"Clever Manka†and â€Å"The Story of an Hour†are indistinguishable in that the two of them have ladies as hero and the two of them include a spouse and a wife. They show how marriage could be the finish of a ladies life or a start. Likewise, they show how ladies distinctively manage life. The incredible contrast is because of the diverse time and culture. â€Å"Clever Manka†which in Czechoslovakian culture demonstrates ladies around then were exceptionally thought to be, valued, have rights. While, in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†shows how ladies were denied, denied, devoiced, they weren’t offered a ton of chances, for example, men and they didn’t acquire cash as all the cash they get goes to either their spouses or any male part in the family. â€Å"The Story of an Hour†shows that marriage around then depended on money related solace and societal position. That prompts despondent marriage and hopeless life to the degree that an individual may feel upbeat and free when his accomplice isâ dead, as Mrs. Mallard felt when she heard that Mr. Mallard was dead. In â€Å"Clever Manka†, marriage depends on double love and women’s want is valued. We experience two totally various ladies. The hero of â€Å"Clever Manka†her name is Manka and the hero of â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is Mrs. Mallard. They are distinctive in numerous angles even truly. The essayist depicts Mrs. Mallard as being distressed with a heart inconvenience which shows that she is a wiped out and frail individual, while Manka is youthful, astute and tough individual. The title of Mrs. Mallard showed that she was partnered to her significant other and she lost her character. Her first name â€Å"Louise†is just referenced after she knew about her husband’s passing and when she felt free. Inverse to â€Å"Clever Manka†as Manka is called by her own name allover the story considerably after she was hitched. She is autonomous and wasn’t associated to either her dad or her significant other. Additionally, men characters in the two short stories are inverse. Men in â€Å"Clever Manka†are spoken to by the burgomaster who is youthful and not-experienced and the rancher. They are unequipped for confronting any test as the burgomaster can’t take care of the issue of the rancher and the shepherd, so he put them a puzzle which the rancher can’t fathom. Then again, in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, we experience Mr. Mallard who is totally different to the male characters in â€Å"Clever Manka†as he was overbearing character. He has consistently settled on choices for Louise and carried on with her life for her. Men in both short stories attempted to twist their wives’ will. In â€Å"Clever Manka†, the burgomaster began his existence with Manka Trying to compel restrictions on her cunning which demonstrates that he feared her astuteness and apprehensive it will feature his being not-experienced. Just as â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, clearly Mr. Mallard was an oppressive character and attempted to twist louise’ will. Women’s reaction to their husband’s control and mastery contrasts in the two short stories. In â€Å"Clever Manka†, when Manka meddles in the burgomaster’s business, it was out of inward sentiment of disgrace and shamefulness in view of her significant other choice. She couldn’t stand powerless when she understood how unpracticed he was. This implies the precondition he put for her couldn’t twist her will. That shows that Manka didn’t give up in spite of the precondition that may decimate her life. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, Mrs. Mallard capacity to oppose the concealment rehearsed upon her was next to no and short. She allowed her better half to have the high ground in her life. The individual is the person who chooses whether he needs to live unreservedly or not. On the off chance that he needs to, he won't give up to any individual or under any condition. The weight rehearsing on ladies would prompt one of two; either the lady will oppose and turn into a victor, or effectively give up and turn into a casualty.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing Essays on Silas Marner
Writing Essays on Silas MarnerSilas Marner Essay Topics and Teaching Tools come to mind whenever I think of high school students. Many of my former students who have been a part of the Reading is a critical program at their high schools, will speak of their love of reading, and how they can barely get the words out when it comes to writing essays on Silas Marner. Silas Marner Essay Topics can be a challenge for most high school students, and what's more difficult than a time-tested classic?On to some basics about Silas Marner essay topics and teaching tools. You can create essay topics on almost any topic you like, be it history, literature, philosophy, or fiction. You can create multiple essay topics for all areas, or you can choose only one theme for all the topics. Both strategies will work for most students, but if a student has a difficulty finding topics, perhaps the best way to approach the topic of Silas Marner essay topics is to use multiple strategies at once.The most impor tant thing to remember when creating essay topics is that they should not feel forced. In fact, many times students will try to write essays without any themes, and the results are often very disjointed and contradictory. The best approach for these essay topics is to create a sequence of themes and then let the ideas flow freely throughout the essay.When it comes to Silas Marner essay topics, your objective is to write about Silas Marner and his life in a way that highlights his greatness. In this regard, I like to use specific themes, such as: journey, discovery, redemption, father, or many others. There are countless themes that can be chosen from, and the key is to choose one that resonates with the reader.Silas Marner is best known for his travels, which made him discover truths about himself. You may want to focus on one particular theme or some themes within themes. Each theme and each time period could be analyzed in terms of his journey, or by highlighting a major event fro m that time period. Again, this is all about how you approach the topic of Silas Marner essay topics.A final point to keep in mind when developing essay topics is to make sure that your topics are short and to the point. It's not good to spend an hour writing a 500 word essay topic. Do not stretch the topic to far beyond your capacity. With that said, do not make your essay's too complex. A simple topic will provide you with more opportunities to highlight what you've learned.For example, I recently taught a class on Edgar Allan Poe and Silas Marner. Students were given a short guide to writing a short essay on Marner. They were then required to read and respond to the guide. After a series of essays were written, they were given another guide which included additional Silas Marner topics, and with this they were asked to write a final essay about a specific topic, with at least five paragraphs.It was interesting to see the reactions I received from the students on this assignment. Some were dismayed, and others felt that it was their best chance to learn more about Silas Marner. Regardless of your reactions, there's a lesson to be learned from these essays, and they'll help you learn more about Marner and his life.
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Research Study On Sickle Cell Disease - 1777 Words
This research informs the reader about Sickle cell disease. The goal is to raise awareness by describing what the disease is and where it originated. It gives advice on how to recognize signs in a crisis and how to help prevent any further symptoms. This focus uses facts from medical websites such as Web MD and Mayo Clinic. This research highlights every thing there is to know about sickle cell disease through detailed descriptions of where it comes from, how it is passed on, what it does to the body, and what can be done to help prevent it from getting really bad. Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder that is a genetic disease, which is inherited through parents. The bone marrow produces abnormal red blood cells that are a crescent shape. These red blood cells then get suck in the veins and cause many medical difficulties. This review will not investigate any personal experiences or experiences of any person. The sources mainly conclude that there are various researches trying to reveal helpful information for suffering patients. Researchers from the FSCDR administration found out that regular blood transfusions can reduce the occurrence of strokes and attacks in sickle cell patients. Regular monthly blood transfusions can help raise red blood cell counts and therefore reduce sickling and blood clots causing health complications. Further research into preventative remedies includes bone marrow transplants. Written by Vanessa Wasta this research goes in depth about howShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Sickle Cell Disease Essay1765 Words  | 8 PagesSickle Cell Disease, also known as SCD, is a group of genetic red blood cell disorders marked by abnormalities in the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells made up of alpha and beta chains that helps to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Unlike normal red blood cells that have a circular, biconcave shape, sickle red blood cells have hemoglobin S which causes them to become stiff, sticky and shaped like sickles. Usually normal red blood cells would move smoothly through small bloodRead MorePrevalence Of Sickle Cell Anemia1639 Words  | 7 PagesEzeocha PREVALENCE OF SICKLE CELL ANEMIA IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA According to Sickle Cell Disease American Association sickle cell anemia defined as an inherited blood disorder that alters red blood cells. Patients with sickle cell disease have their red blood cells contaminated with an abnormal kind of hemoglobin called the Hemoglobin S. The National Institute of Health (NIH), reports that this anomalous behaviour of the hemoglobin S reduces the red blood cell into a sickle shape which becomesRead MoreThe Treatment Of Sickle Cell Anemia1340 Words  | 6 PagesSickle cell anemia is not only about the body s number of red blood cells (or amount of hemoglobin) fallen below normal, it’s also involves splenic sequestration, vision loss, a stroke, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, gallstones, a very rare form of kidney cancer, etc. Many different complications feed off of sickle cell anemia, if it s not one thing it s another. There is not a specific treatment for this disease to make it go away, but as I listed above there are wa ys of helpingRead More Sickle Cell Patient Treatment Essay1383 Words  | 6 PagesSickle Cell Anemia has proven to be one of the most widespread genetic diseases in America, affecting 100,000 or more individuals according to the NHBLI (2008). Each person affected by sickle cell anemia must seek out expert advice and care for combating the disease, but as of late, care has been lacking in the medical field for these patients. Therefore providing optimal care and effective treatments for patients with sickle cell anemia will involve more research and funding in the future. StudiesRead MoreCoping Strategies And Techniques Among Sickle Cell Disease1195 Words  | 5 PagesOjong Bate â€Å"Coping strategies and techniques amongst people living with sickle cell Disease†Introduction: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the many chronic health conditions yet to be well understood by health care professionals; hematologists included. It is an inherited genetic condition characterized by sickled shaped red blood cells, which alter their oxygen carring capacity. Sickle cell disease is passed from parents to offspring and it is characterized by numerous complications suchRead MoreA Study On The Sickle Cell Disease962 Words  | 4 Pagesone study that dealt mainly with African-Americans, the results show how prevalent sickle-cell disease can be in black people. The higher rate of the trait can again be linked back to the monetary elements but it may not be limited only be limited to that as family ties are an important genetic factor of this disease. A study was done on the ethnicities of sickle cell infected patients in Sudan. In the study scientists tied to see the ethnic distribution of sickle cell disease. TheRead MoreSickle Cell Anemia Essay1530 Words  | 7 PagesSickle cell anemia is an inherited disease in which the body is unable to produce normal hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein. Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which the body is unable to produce normal hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein. Abnormal hemoglobin can change cells that can become stuck in narrow blood vessels, blocking oxygen from reaching organs and tissues. Tissue that does not get a normal blood flow eventually becomes damaged. This is what causes the problems of sickle cellRead MoreThe Sickle Of Sickle Cell Disease852 Words  | 4 PagesSickle cell disease was discovered in 1910 in the United States. Many cases came to surface after that, and it was clear that sickle cell disease is predominantly common in the African Americ an ethnicity. Sickle cell disease is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. The most common, known sickle cell disease is sickle cell anemia. There is no cure for Sickle cell disease, but there was a treatment that help relieve pain, prevent infections, and prevent organ damage. A drug calledRead MoreSickle Cell Anemi Is The Most Common Inherited Blood Disorder? Essay1636 Words  | 7 PagesSickle Cell Anemia is a group of disorders that cause red blood cells to become misshapen and break down. Sickle Cell Anemia affects many people all over the world; Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States, affecting 70,000 to 80,000 Americans (Ashley-Koch, Yang and Olney). Sickle Cell Anemia causes your red blood cells to be thin, stiff, and shaped like a sickle. But your red blood cells are supposed to be round and soft. When a person is diagnosed withRead MoreTreatment Of Sickle Cell Anemia Essay1654 Words  | 7 PagesT reatment Sickle Cell Anemia is a group of disorders that cause red blood cells to become misshapen and break down. Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States, affecting 70,000 to 80,000 Americans (Ashley-Koch, Yang and Olney). Sickle Cell Anemia causes your red blood cells to be thin, stiff, and shaped like a sickle. But your red blood cells are supposed to be round and soft. A person that is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, their blood cells start to
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Role Of The Federal Government On The Economy And Social...
During the 1830s the Democratic Party was formed around President Andrew Jackson and his primary issues that took up most of his term banking and tariffs. The Democrats favored American expansion to new farmlands and new territories. The Democrats also ended elites, industrialists, and the Bank of the United states, which would they felt would build up an industry that was at the price of yeoman farmer. The Whig Party were an organized group in opposition to Andrew Jackson, who they felt would destroy America and the industry. The Whig Party was led by Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams who were in search for a compromise and balance in government, territorial expansion, and domestic manufacturing. These two parties had very different views†¦show more content†¦The peal of shouting that arose rent the air, and seemed to shake the very ground. But when the Chief Justice took his place and commenced the brief ceremony of administering the oath, it quickly sank into comparative s ilence; and as the new President proceeded to read his inaugural address, the stillness gradually increased; but all efforts to hear him, beyond the brief space immediately around were utterly in vain. Jackson s policies for a small government sparked interests in plantation owners in the south and farmers in the west. Jackson demised the National Bank, in his vision it handed infinite amount of power to the government and place the lower class at a disadvantage. Jackson wanted the power to be with the people not the government;however, the process of this act limited time for the opportunity for social reform 5. The Jacksonian democrats consider that modern infrastructure and industry were mandatory for American prosperity, they felt that the states were responsible to promote market capitalism and sponsor projects. Democrats concluded that modernization should be designed to promote the agrarian vision.2 The Democrats had this vision of owning land;however, lots of Native America n Indians still resided in the state of Georgia. Jackson fought against congress to have the indians removed completely because he felt it would be inhumane. One of the primary
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Process Essay - How to Reduce Plagiarism and Cheating
Process Essay - How to Reduce Plagiarism and Cheating Recent studies have shown that a steadily growing number of students cheat or plagiarize in college -- and the data from high schools suggest that this number will continue to rise. A study by Don McCabe of Rutgers University showed that 74 percent of high school students admitted to one or more instances of serious cheating on tests. Even more disturbing is the way that many students define cheating and plagiarism. For example, they believe that cutting and pasting a few sentences from various Web sources without attribution is not plagiarism. Before the Web, students certainly plagiarized -- but they had to plan ahead to do so. Fraternities and sororities often had files of†¦show more content†¦But there is another way. The first and most important line of defense against academic dishonesty is simply good teaching. Cheating and plagiarism often arise in a vacuum created by routine, lack of interest and overwork. Professors who give the same assignment every semester, fail to guide students in the development of their projects and have little interest in what the students have to say contribute to the academic environment in which much cheating and plagiarism occurs. Consider, by way of contrast, professors who know their students and who give assignments that require regular, continuing interaction with them about their projects -- and who require students to produce work that is a meaningful development of their own interests. These professors create an environment in which cheating and plagiarism are far less likely to occur. In this context, any plagiarism would usually be immediately evident to the professor, who would see it as inconsistent with the rest of the students work. A strong, meaningful curriculum taught by committed professors is the first and most important defense against academic dishonesty. The second remedy is to encourage the development of integrity in students. A sense of responsibility about ones intellectual development would preclude cheating and plagiarizing as inconsistent with ones identity. It is precisely this sense of individual integrity that schools with honor codes seek to promote. Third, studentsShow MoreRelated The World Wide Web and Plagiarism Essay1287 Words  | 6 PagesThe World Wide Web and Plagiarism In the recent past when computers were available to the public, users could easily type a document without having to retype a whole page to correct or add a part to a document. Shortly after that came the Internet where countless pages of documents and information became accessible to nearly everybody. The problem with plagiarism was much smaller and easier to detect before the Internet. Preceding the Internet, plagiarized materials usedRead More The Problem of Internet Plagiarism Essay1275 Words  | 6 PagesThe Problem of Internet Plagiarism In November 2001, CNN reported a case of alleged rampant plagiarism at the University of Virginia involving 72 cases and 148 students. What happened at the University of Virginia is only one of many cases of plagiarism faced everyday all over the world. Plagiarism itself is not a new problem, but the Internet has made a difficult situation even more complex. According to Ryan: Plagiarized work used to be generated through frat house recycling efforts, purchasedRead MoreIs There a Solution? Essay1227 Words  | 5 Pagespeople are trying to devise a master plan, a solution that will end cheating, something so ingenious that it will stop cheating in its tracks. However, I feel we should look at every angle before trying to create a plan to motivate students to stop the cheating. There are many different people with many different reasons or ideas to explain why cheating occurs. These people sometimes have a solution that they think will stop cheating, but it usually revolves around one central theme. I believeRead MorePlagiarism And The Substance And Context Of Academic Dishonesty Essay1228 Words  | 5 PagesThis paper reviews journal articles on plagiarism and explores the substance and context of academic dishonesty, including self-plagiarism, the nature of plagiarism and how it is perceived by students and faculty. Moreover, how serious of a problem plagiarism really is and why students feel it necessary to cheat. It researches the challenges presented by the huge quantity of information available over the internet. This report also reviews faculty views on academic dishonesty and the many disagreementsRead MorePlagiarism, Cheating And Academic Standards1674 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The demonstration of showing the thoughts of others as your own without referencing known as plagiarism. This is cheating and degrades academic standards. One of the most important contributing factors that make plagiarism a worldwide problem is the simple access to web assets, where all the investigative papers and reports are effectively accessible. It has been evaluated that plagiarism has always been an area of interest for both administrators and teachers when they want efforts of studentsRead MoreThe New Style Of Lecturing Now1243 Words  | 5 PagesAcademic cheating, achieved threw supposition of certain grades, job opportunities and extreme goals have lead to a high percentage of 75% test takers, including graduate students and high schools students that have agreed amongst this crime which surprisingly has being evolving as technology and higher requirements in society grows. The result of heavy workloads, Intense GPAs and risky temptations has resulted in an increase, 2 0% during the 1940s vs. 80% during the 2000s, which has shocked bothRead MoreGen 200 - Academic Integrity Paper2577 Words  | 11 Pagesacademic integrity. College and university administrators have created new policies, codes of conduct, and training programs to counteract the negative impact of the Internet. Several online resources have been created to allow students to check for plagiarism yet the problem persists. Academic dishonesty in all forms was not created by the Internet, but has always existed. Students can employ several strategies to avoid academic dishonesty. Academic integrity or dishonesty remains the choice of eachRead More Plagiarism: A Pestilence in Education Essay1840 Words  | 8 PagesPlagiarism: The Pestilence in Education When I think of plagiarism, I imagine a person literally stealing from another individual. The term plagiarism is derived from the Latin word plagi rius, which essentially represents the felony of kidnapping. An individual who kidnaps anothers work is a felon. Obviously, this form of larceny is not as immoral as the form for which one can be imprisoned; however, most educators and honest students view plagiarism in this manner. Within education I conceiveRead MoreCheating Is A Common Thing For People2895 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction This report is about cheating especially in examination. As we know cheating is a common thing for people currently. Every person had done cheating in their life even once. Cheating has been part of our daily life. Although the all knew that cheating is wrong in every way they still do it for maintain or increasing their grade in every examination. From our observation, every person that never do cheating will begin to cheat after they did it even once, and most of them because ofRead More Schools and Education - Understanding the Rise in Apathy, Cheating and Plagiarism3796 Words  | 16 Pagesin Apathy, Cheating and Plagiarism – Understanding the Problem Over the past ten years teachers have witnessed a drop in student preparation and a rise in apathy and cheating. Students who cheat do so from a variety of motives. Making this situation even more difficult is that faculty members do not even define plagiarism the same or punish it consistently (Howard, â€Å"Sexuality†473). Some surveys even show that teachers simply ignore the problem or do not report plagiarism because: â€Å"they
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Information System Small Business Accounting
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Information System for Small Business Accounting. Answer: Introduction Accounting is one area that is applicable in every single industry all across the world. The same has evolved over the years from the paper based to the automated information systems. The document covers the brief history of the accounting industry in Australia along with the development and adoption of the same. There are a number of accounting software and packages that are commercially available which have been described in the document along with the advantages that they offer. The challenges associated with this specific category of the software have also been elaborated in the report. History of Accounting Software/Packages Accounting industry saw some major revolutions right from 1970s. Prior to 1970, the traditional accounting practices were used all across the country which was followed by the double entry system and table methods. In the 1970s and mid 80s, personal computers were launched in the market which paved the way to client-server, proprietary accounting software packages. 1990s was the period when customer invoicing, supplier management and inventory were the features that were added in the accounting software made available to the customers. The latest development in the field of accounting software has been associated with Business Intelligence and Cloud Computing. These techniques are now applied to the accounting software which has enabled them to offer advanced features such as automated reporting, transaction management systems and many more. The various parties that are involved can now directly interact with each other which enhance the customer satisfaction as well (Ryan, 2016). Development and Adoption There has been a massive revolution in the field of digital innovation and technology over the past few years. The consumers in the present era look for a solution that is quick, easy to use and is also low on cost. The providers are now working towards making the same available to all of their customers. Accounting industry has also been affected by this change in the technology and the traditional paper based practices are now replaced by the automated information systems. The accounting software that is now developed integrates a lot many advanced features as the same is preferred by the users. These software and packages are developed in a manner such that they score low on cost and high on the technological aspects. Automation is a key component that is included while the development process in all the different elements of accounting such as reporting, transactions, records maintenance and likewise. The customers and the banking industry now adopt the software that fulfills all the features described above in the development process of the same (James, 2016). Current Market Size The Australian Accounting industry comprises of the firms that deal with a number of operations and services such as accounting, auditing and bookkeeping (, 2016). This industry is one of the few industries that did not get affected by the recent global financial crisis and got away with a few marginal losses. There are currently more than 9,968 firms that deal with the accounting services and operations and more than 133,000 Australians are engaged in the same. Accounting Services in Australia In resentment of the normal slight decrease in income for little non-utilizing bookkeeping undertakings because of the expansion of e-expense and rearrangements of individual assessment, it is normal that the Australian Accounting industry's income will develop at a normal rate of 5.5% over the five years through 2016-17 to achieve AUD 20.7 billion. Inspecting and other customary surges of income will assume a noteworthy part in this development as it is normal that cost rivalry will escalate and the quantity of business undertakings requiring evaluating will increment altogether in coming years. Accounting Software/Packages Current Leaders in the Market and their Competitive Advantage Intuit QuickBooks This is one of the most widely used accounting software in Australia and has a lot any striking features to offer. There are a number of reasons that make this software extremely popular among the users. The first and the foremost reason is the low cost associated with the same. The basic version is offered at $12 per month and the advanced version comes with a mere $21 on a monthly basis. The other reason is the bundle of features itself that come with this software. It allows the business owners and professionals across Australia to keep a track of their business income and expenses along with the revenues. This one allows payroll payments for free, manages huge amount of data, sends invoices and also manages the bills through desktop as well as mobile platforms. The software also scores well on the security mechanism as the level of security that is provided is the same as those of the banks (, 2015). MYOB Accounting Software MYOB is the accounting software that is one of the best among the ones available in Australia. The software was primarily designed to provide the basic accounting services to the users. Along with these, the software also allows the business owners to view the real-time picture of their financial operations and come up with better business decisions. With the advanced interface options, MYOB allows the integration of Point of Sale (POS) with the overall business operations. The software allows the online as well as offline usage of the same irrespective of the slippages in the internet connection. Other attractive features of the software that makes it stand out in the market are complaint capability, bookkeeping personnel and ability to be up-to-date with the compliance obligations. There are also a number of add-ons that are provided to extend the versions of the software. The cost of the software varies from $50 to $99 per month as per the version that is selected. Reckon Reckon is leading accounting software in Australia that suits the best for Australian businesses, accountants and bookkeepers. It is one of the most reasonable and affordable cloud accounting software present in the market. One of the prime features that provide competitive advantage to this software is its ability to manage all the Point of Sale (POS) transactions by linking the same to the desktop software suites. The other features include billing activities, management of credit, resource planning, digital imaging, tax processing and many more. It starts with the minimal cost of $5 per month and the same increases with the addition of features. Saasu Saasu is next generation accounting software that offers some of the brilliant features such as easy connect with the email, e-commerce store, CRM software and many others. It also allows the automatic alerts for the customers and has the ability to manage various categories of transactions in 50 different foreign currencies. This one is offered with the basic rate of $15 per month and goes up to $180 per month. Xero This is one of the most popular accounting software that is widely used in Australia. There are a number of advanced features offered by this software such as faster online invoicing, accessibility on the desktop as well as mobile platforms, advanced reconciliations processes, management of payroll taxes and many more. The starter version of this software comes with a cost of $9 per month and the premium one is offered $70 per month. Accounting Software/Packages - Challenges for users There are a number of challenges associated with the Accounting software that are faced by the users. Security issues are one of the prime concerns for the users. There have been cases of security breaches and fraud in the past that have been executed by the attackers on the accounting software. These issues possess a threat to the sensitive and confidential accounting information of the users. There is always a sense of insecurity due to increase in the development of newer security threats and vulnerabilities. Cost is another challenge that is faced by the users as the premium versions of the software come at a cost that is difficult to pay for the individual users on a long terms basis. Also, the startups and small scale industries find it troublesome to pay the cost (Crowder, 2016). Training requirements is another challenge that appears in front of the users. There may be some features of particular software that may be complex and difficult to understand. There is often absence of required user manuals for the same which make it tedious for the users to avail the benefits of the feature. Human error is another gap that is not always rolled back by all of the software. Such errors may have low to severe impact on the accounts of the users and the same can be extremely critical for the customers. References Crowder, C. (2016) [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]. James, D. (2016) 7 accounting packages for Australian small businesses compared: including MYOB, QuickBooks Online, Reckon, Xero. [online] BIT. Available at:,7-accounting-packages-for-australian-small-businesses-compared-including-myob-quickbooks-online-reckon-xero.aspx [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]. Ryan, E. (2016)The Evolution Of Accounting Software: Past, Present And Future |. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]., (2015) 5 Best Small Business Accounting Software in Australia. [online] AdvisoryHQ. Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]., (2016) The Australian Accounting Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016]., (2015) Accounting Services Industry Report. 1st ed. [ebook] Bankwest. Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2016].
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Aristotle v. Plato essays
Aristotle v. Plato essays The term the good life is used by both Aristotle and Plato to describe both an internal as well as an external state of living for a given individual or segment of the population (the state). While the two philosophers have some similarities in their definitions, they differ a great deal when it comes to their explanation of how to live in accordance with the good life. These similarities and differences can be examined by exploring the philosophy and thought that each of the two men taught. Also, one must take into account the time period in which each philosopher lived when comparing their thoughts and ideas. In the following I will attempt to sort out, in my own view, each mans ideas on the good life and how it may be achieved. Aristotle went to Athens early in his life and studied under Plato (who shared many Socratic views), but after Plato died Aristotle left Athens only to return some years later and found the Lyceum. Here he taught his ideas of logic and realist views, from which we get his idea of the good life or eudaimonia. Aristotle differed greatly from his teachers view of how life should be in that he believed people should work toward a livable community rather than Platos ideal community. This livable community is independent and self-sufficient to the point that all individuals among the community have roles to play and seek to perform in these roles to their potential. It is this virtuous fulfillment of potential that he terms aret. The idea of aret combined with autarkeia (self-sufficiency) is absolutely necessary in achieving Aristotles idea of eudaimonia. It is in this state that we will find harmony and balance with ourselves and the world around us. He is also known as the fathe r of logic due in some part to the use of reason in his teachings, and this use of reason was in ord...
Monday, March 9, 2020
A Textual Analysis of Robert Jensens Saying Goodbye to Pat essays
A Textual Analysis of Robert Jensens Saying Goodbye to Pat essays The definition of the word patriotism is one to be questioned, or pondered over. If you ask any random citizen on the street what patriotism means, you will get a variety of answers. Some answers will probably come as a shock to you. Since the September 11th tragedy, the word has been used countless times, and has derived new definition in the eyes of many American people. In the article Saying Goodbye to Patriotism by Robert Jensen, he gives his own two definitions of patriotism, and questions what patriotism means in our modern day society. He writes about how Americans use the word to console deep wounds, and to place the United States of America on a pedestal. In my opinion, Jensens purpose to writing the article is to open the eyes of public and make them rethink, or even re-invent, the word patriotism. This paper is a textual analysis of Jensens Saying Goodbye to Patriotism, and it looks closely for hidden meanings that may not have been picked up by a reader the first time. I am going to argue for my opinion of Jensens purpose, in order to provide a deeper understanding of the article. I will discuss how he uses specific terms, and their different meanings, to undermine the meaning of patriotism. Then, I will establish how Jensen connects to his audience, through his speech, to make them realize that patriotism should be re-thought, or even abolished. The most common word throughout the piece is patriotism, yet I find myself reading multiple definitions. Jensens first definition of patriotism is found early on in the reading; in fact it is the heading of a section. Definition #1: Patriotism as loyalty to the war effort, means that the word is used in order to gain support for military causes. The government and media come together to influence the people, and say that it is the duty of the public to be patriotic. We were attacked. We must defend ourselves....
Friday, February 21, 2020
Valuation and Investment Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Valuation and Investment Analysis - Term Paper Example Due to the slow U.S. economy, Best Buy has been plagued by declining sales during the last few years. Although the company reported losses of 2.4% for 2012, it was primarily due to the buyout of Best Buy Mobile for $1.3 billion. For 2013 the company reported a 0.5% loss, but the company was able to record a net profit of 1.3% in 2014 for the first time in the last three years. The company has been working hard to change its operating strategy and trim operations in order to turn around their financial performance. In 2012, the company hired new CEO and turnaround expert Hubert Joly which revised the companys strategy, closed down many of the less profitable big-box store, expanded many of the smaller retail store outlets, expanded their mobile best buy store outlets, streamlined and improved their online operations. Amid competition from giant retailers like and Wal-Mart in the consumer electronics business, Best Buy is looking to redirect their strategy through acquisitions and further expanding their mobile phone business in China and Mexico through their new venture of Best Buy Mobile. The company’s new strategy for their electronic business involves increasing the total number of retail stores, while decreasing their overall square footage in order to decrease fixed costs. The company seeks to improve their on-line revenues and customer experience by offering free shipping and more competitive pricing. By analyzing the companys overall financial performance, financial ratios and performing a valuation analysis this paper will determine whether Best Buy is a good long term investment. In order to evaluate the companys future financial performance I will need to calculate the companys growth rate and average discount rate. The growth rate was calculated by multiplying the return on operating capital by the retention rate. Based
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
HRM cast study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
HRM cast study - Essay Example One of the aspects that will hinder the successful delivery of Ralph’s strategy is his father’s influence on management of the business. As seen from his management of the company, William always likes his ideas implemented. From the information provided, Ralph fears that his father might object the strategy. Putting into consideration the powerful position he holds, that of the chair to the company, William’s objection of the strategy will be effective on the level of its success. Another area that might hinder the delivery of this strategy is the role of the staff in the formulation of the strategy. A successful strategy should be drawn from the many decisions made by staff members over a period of time (Epstein 2004, p.24). Once compiled, this strategy will reflect the views of the staff. Considering that it is the same staffs that will be expected to implement it, the level of success of such a strategy will be expected to be high should they be involved in strategy formulation. This is not the case, however, with the strategy adopted by Random Alloys. The managing director, without incorporating all staff members, formulated the strategy. As indicated by the members of staff in their remarks in the questionnaires, there is a feeling among staff members that they are not included in any changes made in the company. The staff are only included when the changes are happening. Lack of a clear flow of information within the company can also hinder the level of success of its delivery (Alston & Bryson 2013, p.145). Currently, Random Alloys lacks a defined formula through which information is communicated to members of staff. This leaves staff members looking for information they need from only those they know in the various offices. Lack of clarity on who gathers and provides information within the company will translate to misunderstandings during the implementation of the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Functions Of Higher Education Education Essay
Functions Of Higher Education Education Essay The term higher education is usually used to distinguish courses of study, which result in the award of a degree, Diploma or similar advanced qualification, for various kinds of further education (Lawton and Gordon. 1993). Higher education constitutes the stage of education which starts after 15 years of schooling for the intellectual work and advanced training of students for their effective leadership role in all walks of national life. Tertiary education level is higher than that attainable on completion of a full secondary education. An accepted definition of higher education is that higher education requires as minimum requirements for admission, the successful completion of secondary education or evidence of the acquisition of an equivalent level of knowledge (Terry and Thomas, 1979). Higher education includes all education above level of the secondary school given in Colleges, Universities Graduate Schools, Professional Schools, Technical Colleges and Normal Schools (Good, 1973). Higher education is simply the highest part of the education system, in terms of students progression, the acquisition of education qualifications, its status and its influence over the rest of the educational system. Higher education is said to impart the deepest understanding in the minds of students, rather than the relatively superficial grasp that might be acceptable elsewhere in the system. In higher education, nothing can be taken on trust and the students have to think for themselves so as to be able to stand on their own feet, intellectually speaking (Barnett, 1997). Higher education is thought to advance students to the frontiers of knowledge through their being taught by those who are working in that difficult territory. Sanyal (1982) says that in order to achieve the new international order, there is the need for integrating socio-economic policies with educational policies in each country, as stronger co-operation amongst the third world countries in field of higher education. Development of higher education should not only be contingent upon economic development to achieve the new international order but should promote the development of culture in view often fact that role of science and technology, the life-style and the very sense and value of life under-go changes in the future. Objectives of higher education All over the world the universities are recognised as centres of higher learning, which are considered as expedient agents of development in the nation building. Universities generate, disseminate and utilise knowledge. As primary contributors to economic growth, they produce scientists, engineers, professionals, technicians, scholars, managers and men of exquisite capabilities. The aim of higher education is to meet the socio-cultural and developmental needs of a country. Higher education provides an opportunity for individuals to develop their potential. It fulfils the needs for high-level manpower in a society. Its objectives include cultural and material development. It produces individuals who are morally sound and capable of multifarious roles in the society. It is a medium and vehicle for achieving an objective of higher vision, should endeavours, with commitment and larger spending, in higher education (Govt. Of Pakistan, 1999). A countrys social and economic development depends on the nature and level of higher education. This fact is revealed by the statements and findings concluded by the prominent educationists and decision-makers. In the developed countries, the role of higher education in production of high quality human capital is quite evident. The Governor of the State of Kentucky, Paul Patten, once said, I have staked my success as governor on changing the way we deliver higher education to our people. Education and economic development are the twin rails that will lead us to a higher plateau and help us achieve our goal of raising the standard of living in our state. My experience in creating jobs, as the secretary of the economic development, during my term as lieutenant governor, has helped me focus on the needs of our businesses. Those businesses are the customers of our product: the graduates in higher education. Increased technology and global competition demand that we develop our students s kills and mental capacity so they can share in the tremendous prosperity of our nation. He further emphasized on the quality of higher education and the need for its improvement. He commented, higher education is in trouble. The warning signs could not be clear. Its users (students and families) think it charges a premium price for an increasingly mediocre service. Its primary suppliers (secondary schools) often fail to deliver material that meets minimum standards, and its beneficiaries (employers) often are frustrated by the quality of the finished product (McGill,1992). Quality of higher education The quality of higher education may be enhanced through providing proper professional training to the teachers by revising the existing curricula. Higher education is the most important level of education because it develops the manpower for the country that leads the nation in giving insight into its future ideals, resources, problems, and its solutions. The future of a nation depends largely on the quality of people groomed in the institution of higher education. Students experiences of their learning and the teaching in the subjects they are studying are one of the more ubiquitous sources of information about the quality of teaching for institutions and individual academics. The question of the quality is directly related to the quality of educators, students and the infrastructure provided to them by the educational institutions. The level of competency of teachers, curricula and the standards of students intake are the factors that contributes the most, in the deteriorating quality of higher education. Nevertheless inappropriate funding for student support services, libraries, journals, books, ill equipped laboratories and lack of repair facilities for equipment and non qualified staff are crucial factors in education. Salaries and other allowances consume the university budget, thus, little is left for the items so essential for raising the quality of education. Budgetary constraints, particularly for operation, adversely affect the quality of teaching, especially practical training. While at the level of the institution student: staff ratios (SSRs) may seem to be an inevitable consequence of funding levels, institutions in practice spend funds on buildings, on administration, on central services, on marketing, on teachers undertaking research, and so on, to very varying extents, rather than spending it all on teaching time. Low SSRs offer the potential to arrange educational practices that are known to improve educational outcomes. First, close contact with teachers is a good predictor of educational outcomes (Pascarella and Terenzini, 2005) and close contact is more easily possible when there are not too many students for each teacher to make close contact with. Second, the volume, quality and timeliness of teachers feedback on students assignments are also good predictors of educational outcomes and again this requires that teachers do not have so many assignments to mark that they cannot provide enough, high-quality feedback, promptly. A gain, low SSRs do not guarantee good feedback or feedback from experienced teachers. Meta-analysis of large numbers of studies of class-size effects has shown that the more students there are in a class, the lower the level of student achievement (Glass and Smith, 1978, 1979). Other important variables are also negatively affected by class size, such as the quality of the educational process in class (what teachers do), the quality of the physical learning environment, the extent to which student attitudes are positive and the extent of them exhibiting behaviour conducive to learning (Smith and Glass, 1979). These negative class-size effects are greatest for younger students and smallest for students 18 or over (ibid.), but the effects are still quite substantial in higher education. Lindsay and Paton-Saltzberg (1987) found in an English polytechnic that the probability of gaining an A grade is less than half in a module enrolling 50-60 than it is in a module enrolling less than 20. Large classes have negative effects not only on performance but also on the quality o f student engagement: students are more likely to adopt a surface approach in a large class (Lucas et al., 1996) and so to only try to memorise rather than attempt to understand. The number of class contact hours has very little to do with educational quality, independently of what happens in those hours, what the pedagogical model is, and what the consequences are for the quantity and quality of independent study hours. Independent study hours, to a large extent, reflect class contact hours: if there is less teaching then students study more and if there is more teaching students study less, making up total hours to similar totals regardless of the ratio of teaching to study hours (Vos, 1991). However, some pedagogic systems use class contact in ways that are very much more effective than others at generating effective independent study hours. A review of data from a number of studies by Gardiner (1997) found an average of only 0.7 hours of out-of-class studying for each hour in class, in US colleges. I n contrast each hour of the University of Oxfords tutorials generate on average 11 hours of independent study (Trigwell and Ashwin, 2004). Teachers who have teaching qualifications (normally a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, or something similar) have been found to be rated more highly by their students than teachers who have no such qualification (Nasr et al., 1996). This finding was in a context where obtaining such a qualification was largely voluntary, and those who have the qualification might be considered to be different in some way from those who have not, and this could be argued to invalidate the comparison. The difference might concern the extent of professionalism or commitment to teaching, but nevertheless there was no control group in the study. A longitudinal study that overcomes this objection has examined the impact over time on students ratings of their teachers, and on teachers thinking about teaching, of (mainly) compulsory initial training during their first year of university teaching, in eight countries. It found improvements on every scale of the Student E valuation of Educational Q uality, a questionnaire developed in the US (Marsh, 1982) and tested for use in the U K (Coffey and Gibbs, 2000), and improvements in the sophistication of teachers thinking (as measured by the Approaches to Teaching Inventory, a measure of teaching that predicts the quality of student learning, Trigwell et al., 2004). This improvement in measures of teaching quality could not be attributed to mere maturation or experience as teachers in a control group in institutions without any initial training were found to get worse over their first year, on the same measures (Gibbs and Coffey, 2004). Functions of higher education The capacity of a nation to develop economically, socially, politically and culturally derives largely from the power to develop and utilise the capabilities of its people. Higher education thus is considered sine qua non of national development, for it produces the highest level of manpower. In all advanced countries, the universities constitute the main spring of human capital. The most successful discharge of the universities role as a change agent is in the area of science and technology. The training of high-level scientific manpower is a matter of vital national concern. Higher education is today recognised as a capital investment in education. It is considered investment of human capital which increases labour productivity furthers technological innovation and produces a rate of return markedly higher than that of physical capital. Today we find the world divided into developed and developing countries. The dividing line between them is the capacity of educational and scientific attainments and its application for economic progress and prosperity (The World Bank, 1990). In modern times, higher education is considered as a means of human resource development in a society. In advanced countries, universities constitute the main spring of knowledge, ideas and innovations. Today, the most successful discharge of a university as an agent of change is in the area of science and technology. The priming and grooming of high-level professional manpower is a matter of vital concern. As a pathway to socio-economic development in a country, higher education cannot be ignored or given low priority. Higher education in a state of rapid development everywhere in the world as its benefits to the social, economic and cultural life of different communities is realisable. This has led to worldwide exponential expansion of universities and colleges; as many more people are encouraged remaining in education. However there are problems. First, higher education is expensive, and its expansion requires ample resources. Second, rapid expansion raises problems of quality ass urance and control, as increased numbers could so easily lead to a decline in standards. Third, expansion in the developing world often draws upon the resources, ideas and expertise of the developed world, even though these may not always be appropriate for every different economic and social system (North, 1997). Higher education plays an important role in the development of society. Universities for centuries had a crucial role in educating the potential professionals, businessmen, political leaders, religious and social philosophers, who serve the community, enrich its values and develop its resources. Universities are complex organisations with multiple missions and a myriad of roles. A university has the roles of providing of theoretical education and professional training, a developer and a disseminator of new knowledge, a catalyst to shape the practice of management and business and a contributor to the community and the national economy (Khurshid, 1998).
Monday, January 20, 2020
Awakening to Freedom Essay -- essays papers
Awakening to Freedom Awakening or to awake means â€Å"to wake up; to be or make alert or watchful†(Webster 23). This is what Edna Pontellier experienced in The Awakening. There has been some discussion over the appropriateness of the ending to this story. Was it appropriate for Edna to commit suicide? Yes, this story of Edna Pontellier, including the ending, is appropriate to what a woman probably would have felt like if she were in that time feeling what Edna was feeling. Edna committed suicide because there was no other way out. She did not fit into society. Her thoughts and emotions were not the same as the thoughts and emotions of the other women of this time. Edna committed suicide so that she could be reborn in a time that she would be excepted as she was. Edna was ahead of her time. She wanted a life for herself. She didn’t want her husband or her children to establish it for her. â€Å"I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn’t give myself†(Chopin 573). This is not something that a w...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Spansion apart
Spansion (China) Ltd. offers workers at its plant in China's Suzhou Industrial Park many of the same employee benefits as scores of other nearby factories. What sets Spansion apart from the pack is the management style of its 47-year-old Singaporean chief executive officer, Loh Poh Chye. Most factories in the park, which is east of the city of Suzhou in the province of Jiangsu, offer medical plans, in-house training programs and promise to treat employees like family, says Mr. Loh. â€Å"But to me the difference is how you do it and how you engage the employees.I believe you have to show them it's not just slogans  you have to walk the walk. †That philosophy propelled Spansion to No. 1 this year in the Best Employers in Asia survey by human-resources consultancy Hewitt Associates. Spansion makes flash-memory products used in consumer electronics such as high-definition television sets and MP3 players. Headquartered in California, it employs 1,300 people in China and i s a joint venture between Advanced Micro Devices Inc. of the U. S. and Japan's Fujitsu Ltd. It is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market. One of the first things Mr.Loh did at Spansion was to put in place a management team that thinks like he does. He also runs a mentoring program that pairs managers with someone two or three tiers below. And he gives each division a budget to fund an activity outside work such as a group dinner or a community-service oriented activity. Twice a month, Mr. Loh joins a dozen or so factory workers in the company's cafeteria to talk about staff issues ranging from pay scales to career goals to the quality of the canteen's food. So far, his strategy is working. Staff turnover in Suzhou Industrial Park averaged 30% last year, Mr.Loh says, but Spansion's rate was half that, even though its pay scales lag some other companies in the park. Hewitt Associates conducts its survey every two years. It started the surveys in Asia in 2001 and this year's involved 772 co mpanies and 160,000 employees in seven markets. Besides China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore, Hewitt added for the first time Australia and New Zealand, which are treated as a single market, and Japan and India. In addition to quizzing CEOs and their human-resources departments, Hewitt does random polls of employees.The data is then evaluated by independent judging panels appointed by Hewitt, and winners selected. â€Å"It comes down to getting the basic things right, but most companies seem to let a lot of stuff get in the way of that,†says Andrew Bell, head of Hewitt Associates' regional talent and organizational consulting practice. â€Å"Everyone these days will say ‘our people are really important' but when you get inside these winning organizations, there's a deep philosophical belief about that  and it starts with the CEO, and cascades from there. â€Å"Joining Spansion at the top of Hewitt's survey are Three on the Bund, a company that runs fou r restaurants, a spa, an art gallery and high-end retail outlets in an historic building in Shanghai, and the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Hong Kong. Hotels usually rate highly in the best employers survey and this year five of the top 10 are hotel companies. According to Hewitt's research, hotels often top the survey because they have to be the best kind of employer. Every employee  from housekeeping staff to bellhops  has contact with the customers, and one bad experience with a maid can ruin a hotel stay.Hotel managers must engage and motivate each employee, not just top-tier managers. So, top-tier hotels are run on the premise that employee satisfaction leads to guest satisfaction. Hotels also offer great mobility: They tend to hire from within and value customer-service experience, which is gained in every hotel job, as much as formal education. A bellhop, for instance, can work across and up to become a food and beverage manager. Indeed, Hewitt's latest survey shows t hat workers from all industries rate recognition and career prospects far above pay. The Ritz-Carlton in Hong Kong, like other hotels in the U.S. chain, has an effective communication program, Hewitt says. Managers meet with employees in their team at morning meetings to brief them on what's going on with the hotel that day. At these daily meetings, Ritz-Carlton managers acknowledge staff who've done something to stand out. They also read out the company's employee pledge: â€Å"Our ladies and gentlemen are the most important resource. †The company backs that up with human-resource programs to help employees identify areas of strength and set career goals, and provides training to help them achieve those things.â€Å"As part of our culture and philosophy, we constantly encourage internal growth as we strongly believe in talent retention and development,†says Mark Lettenbichler, general manager of the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong. â€Å"With succession planning, we nurture and maximize talent, creating long-term careers†¦ and eventually building employee loyalty and commitment. †The Ritz-Carlton's human-resources policies also offer a lesson for companies in other industries. In an environment where everyone counts and anyone can climb the career ladder, employees are likely to be more committed and work harder, says Hewitt's Mr.Bell. That translates into profit. Hewitt's survey shows that companies that engage their employees have stronger earnings. The top 20 companies in this year's survey have had 75% higher revenue growth than the rest over the past three years; their productivity was 67% higher, and their profit growth 38% higher than other survey respondents. For Mr. Loh, a factory full of committed workers is well worth the extra effort he and his managers put in. It's not always about doing what employees want, he says; often it's simply communicating clearly why the company is doing what it's doing.Newly hired employees sometime s gripe about Spansion's pay. But Mr. Loh says good communication is key to keeping employees happy. â€Å"We have to be honest and tell them we are not the highest paymaster because we can't afford to be. We don't blindly pay the top market rate  but we do pay for performance,†says Mr. Loh. â€Å"So those who stand out get higher pay, and those who are below average get lower pay. †And when an employee complains that a colleague has been promoted above him or her, Mr. Loh challenges the employee to pursue a promotion, rather than sit back and wait to be singled out by a manager.â€Å"We are always willing to offer training to someone who's motivated, or move someone to a new department, laterally, to work across and up in a new area, †he says. â€Å"Sometimes when I say this, they start to get uncomfortable  they don't want to move out of their comfort zone. I tell them not to put all their career movements in the hands of the company â€⠀ (you) have to take ownership, discuss it with your supervisor, show your capacity and get out of your comfort zone. †Feedback is another big part of Mr. Loh's management strategy.Employees in Hewitt's survey say they like to be able to make suggestions, but don't like it when feedback forms are met with silence. Members of Mr. Loh's management team encourage staff to make suggestions on the company intranet, and respond to each individual suggestion, regardless of whether it is implemented. â€Å"The affinity level between myself and my department managers is very high. We're all very close  not just a friendship kind of close, but more than that; we spend a lot of time talking, and they can read my mind and I can read theirs,†Mr. Loh says.His managers have taken a page from his book; two years after Mr. Loh came to Spansion, department managers starting holding cafeteria chats of their own once a month. Mr. Loh, who joined Advanced Micro Devices in Singapo re 1984, started reading ancient Chinese texts for management tips in a bid to better connect with his employees when he was posted to China in 2001. â€Å"There's a saying in Chinese: attack the heart instead of the castle. Management is about winning and managing the heart of a person  then that person will start to believe in the vision you have.†Of course, â€Å"that's got to be accompanied by proper compensation and benefits,†he adds. â€Å"Most of the traditional Chinese literature talks about management style that focuses on managing the hearts and emotional qualities of a person, instead of the hard stuff,†says Mr. Loh. â€Å"I feel that it is in the blood of the old Chinese people  they value culture, they value a people-oriented style of management, and I think that carries over to this new generation. â€Å"
Friday, January 3, 2020
One of Americas Best and Most Controversial Short...
For over 2 hours the villagers gathered around the town’s square awaiting the results to the annual lottery. â€Å"The Lottery†was written by Shirley Jackson in 1948 and became one of America’s best and most controversial short stories. In â€Å"The Lottery†Shirley Jackson expressed her opinion on society’s resistance to change and how people uphold traditions passed down through generations. At first in â€Å"The Lottery†the author makes it seem like this annual event is a very positive event in the village. The tone in Shirley’s writing is very pleasant and inviting especially when she talks about the setting in which it takes place. â€Å"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were†¦show more content†¦I think that Shirley Jackson was referring to people not being able to let go of traditions such as in social circumstances, religion, and politics. People ar e afraid of making changes because they are comfortable with what they were raised with because they have been taught that, that is the way things are supposed to be. Even though this event is outdated and ends in murder, many villagers especially the older ones found the idea of stopping the lottery ludicrous. â€Å"They do say,†Mr. Adams said to the Old Man Wagner, who stood next to him â€Å"that over in the north village they’re talking of giving up the lottery.†Old Man Wagner snorted. â€Å"Pack of crazy fools,†he said. â€Å"Listening to the young folks, nothing’s good enough for them. Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about ‘Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon’ First thing you know, we’d all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns†¦.†(Jackson.4) Old Man Wagner represents the reactionary and conservatives while Mr. Adam and the north village represent a more liberal and progressive movement. Old Man Wagner can’t accept that the lottery could or should be stopped, and that doing so it would be bringing the society backwards instead of progressing into something better for the future of the villagers. Same as in most political movements there’s different groups of people who haveShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesappreciate your writing to him at iv Praise Comments on the earlier 1993 edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, which is owned by Cengage Learning: There is a great deal of coherence. The chapters build on one another. The organization is sound and the author does a superior job of presenting the structure of arguments. David M. Adams, California State Polytechnic University These examples work quite well. Their diversity, literacy, ethnic sensitivity
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